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My Sister's Husband


Episode 1

MY SISTER'S HUSBAND Episode 1 My sister's husband keeps disturbing me and I don't know what to do about it. I'm kamsi by name, I live with my only and elder sister because we lost our parents few years back. I had to move in with my sister and her husband. My sister works in a company and her work takes much of her time so she's not always at home while her husband has his own company he works with. Pause» You can follow me for more stories and updates. On this particular day, my sister is about to go to work as usual and to be honest, I am bothered. Bothered because her husband is unrelenting in his advances to me. "Kamsi make sure u take care of the house and the kids, also make sure you give my husband his food when he comes back," my sister will always say before going to work. "Yes sister" I obliged. I'll say this about her, my sister doesn't have time for her kids and her husband. The children are so close to me that they forget they even have a mother. I became their mother, her husband will complain that he was tired of the way she works but my sister will end up fighting her husband if he does Pause: You can add me, Berkinsdanielblog Family for more stories and updates. And to be notified when I post. A 100 shares to unlock the next episode Now my sister's husband is coming close to me. At times I feel sorry for him but what can I do. I know too well that it is a taboo to sleep with your sister's husband in my town, but I can't help it now. The more I stay with them, take care of the kids, serve his meal. The more I fall in love. I mean, I'm in love with him but I just can't hurt my sister. You don't know what you have until you lose it. I Have tried talking to her but she won't listen. I'm lost. * “Kamsi, Kamsisochukwu!!!” my sister's husband called from their room. “Sir, I am coming,” I replied from the kitchen. I brought down the pot from the cooker and ran to answer him. “Come in,” he called out from inside the room. I walked in and found him with his towel around his waist. He looked admirable with rippling muscles and a broad cheat. “Ha Jesus Kamsi, get hold of yourself silly girl. He is your sister's husband don't be f0olish,” I chided myself. "Sir you called me!” I snapped out of my reverie of lūst. “Yes my dear, please get me my food, I would love to eat here.” “Okay, sir, I'll be right back,” I said and I walked out of the room. “Haa sister what is your problem, see how wonderful your husband looks and you're doing anyhow. Chaii, may God forgive me if anything happens because I feel sorry for this man.” I soliloquized as I prepared his dishes and food. I got his food and took it to his room. “Sir is there any other thing I can do for you?” I unwittingly asked just to buy time and keep peering and his admirable chest and muscles. “No my dear this is all for now, I'll call if I need something... You can go.” “I'll be in my room.” I said and walked out of his room. Not long the school bus brought back the kids and they came running into my arms like I was their mother. “Ooh my babies, I have missed you so much” I said hugging them. “Here are their bags Ma” said their minder who was in charge of the bus. “Oh, thank you so much for looking after my angels"” I said taking the bags from her and smiling like a Cheshire cat. We went into the house, I bathed and fed them. Then bade them go into their father's room to greet him. Afterwards, I took them into their room and made them take their nap, then went to my own room took my bath and slept off. I woke up with my phone ringing, it was my sister. "Eh Nne please I won't be coming back today I have a lot of work on my table, please tell my husband that I won't be home so he should not wait for me, biko take care of them okay? and do take care of your self, I love you guys bye”, she hung up without even letting me say ok. "Hmm sister! sister!! whoever that is doing this to you is not trying oh.” I grumbled. I got up and went to check on the kids they were still sleeping, so I went to the kitchen to make dinner and afterwards head to husband's room To be continued on» Bcdblog TV

Episode 2

MY SISTER'S HUSBAND Episode 2 To be continued after 20 shæres» Bcdblog TV I went to check on the kids but they were still sleeping. So, I went into the kitchen to make dinner. Not long after, the kids came calling. “I'm hungry,” said David (the last born). “Oh baby,” I said and scooped him in my arms. “I am almost done and didn't I tell you to call me aunty not mummy.” “But you’re my mummy, I want u to be my mummy,” he said looking dismal and teary-eyed. “Awww baby, don't be like that, you know what? Go and wake your big brother so you can eat your dinner. The food is almost ready” “Okay mummy” he said with his tiny voice. I just couldn't scold because he just too young and fragile. I served dinner and called my sister's husband so he could eat his food. “I'm not hungry you and the children can go ahead and eat.” “Okay,” I was about to leave when I remembered my sister's instructions. “Ehm sir, my sister called to say she won't be coming back today.” “Hmmm. Yes she already called me, I'm used to all this, just make sure the boys are okay” Inspite of his words, I noticed a tinge of pa!n and forlorn in his voice. “OK Sir” I went back to feed the boys. * Back at the table, I informed the boys that my sister, their mother, wouldn't be back for the night. They both looked inside. “I am not surprised, she's not always home. I hāte her” the eldest son Franklin said. “Shush, don't say that Frank she's ur mum,” I tried to be stern. “Aunty Kamsi I am sorry but.. but.. it's just that mum is so annoying, she's not always here when we need her” he said again. “I want another mummy” the last born, little David, chimed in. I felt sorry for them and tried to cheer them up. I fed them and promised to let them watch cartoon after dinner. David smiled and giggled like the child he was, so innocent. “Aunty Kamsi, I have my assignment I'd like you to help me with” Frank said. “That's not a problem I mean that's why I'm here right?” I asked with smile “I love u so much aunty,” Frank said. I loved them too, who won't love such angels. They ate and I cleared the table and asked them to go thank their father. Afterwards, David watched PJ Masks and I aided Frank with his homework after that he joined his brother to watch the show while I cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes. I mixed dough for cake for our Saturday outing. I was going to surprise the boys. I went outside and asked the gate man to wash the benz. I need it for our tomorrow's outing then I went in to break the news to the boys, they were so happy. They were so happy. “Okay, boys its time for bed, remember tomorrow is a big day.” Pause» You can add me» Bcdblog to be notified when I post. And for more stories and updates. I took them to their room and when they slept off I went to the kitchen to put our drinks for tomorrow in the fridge, iced the cake, mixed the ice cream and the cookies, when everything was done I went to check on my sister's husband. I knocked but there was no response I felt he had slept off so I went to my room took my bath, went through my social media handles and then went to bed. The next morning i woke up, called the boys and their father to the parlor for our morning devotion. After praying Uncle thanked me for taking care of his home and kids, he told me to make sure I let him know if we need anything of which I thanked him and told him of my intention to hang out with the boys that day. He asked for my account number and transferred the sum of 200k and asked me to keep the balance if there be any. The boys thanked him and we went about our morning chores. I bathed the kids dressed them and packed the food, snacks and drinks into the car. I placed David at the back sit, crossed the sit belt. Frank sat in the front with me. Uncle told us to enjoy ourselves and also begged me to drive safely. We took off. We had fun, I made sure the boys had fun. We drove back to the house by 7pm,the boys bath and went to bed. I was watching movie on my phone when the boor bell ranged, I opened it was my sister. “Ewoh nne! how are u? “I'm fine sister welcome” I greeted “Eh Nhe where are my kids?” she asked They are asleep, it hasn't been long we got back from the beach. “Awww thank you so much Kamsi,what would I have done without you?” she asked “It’s nothing” we both laughed. “Sister do you want to eat?" “No my dear I am off to bed.” She said and walked into her room, not long I heard her and her husband shouting at each. “Haba sister you need to change ooh,” I muttered under my breath and went to my room and slept off. NB: if you want me to send stories directly to your WhatsApp inbox or email, I can arrange that for you but there's a condition that you must be following me on all my social media handles before you inbox me for this service.

Episode 3

MY SISTER'S HUSBAND Episode 3 I woke up the next day being sunday and prepared the kids for church. After church was over I drove home with the kids. Made food and set the dinning. I called everyone to the dinning. “Yeh fried rice, thanks so much mummy,” David said. “Oh baby, I didn't make the food. Your aunty did,” my sister replied her son “He knows,” Frank f!red back. “Hey don't you ever talk to your mother like that again,” I shut him up with a stern note of warning. “Now apologize to your mother,” his father said. “I’m sorry,” he said but there was no remorse in his voice. “Oga, apologize very well before I pounce on you,” I fired again “I'm so sorry mum pleass forgive me,” he apologized. “Good! try this nonsense again and have me to contend with,” I said. “Sister please don't mind him, his becoming too silly,” I begged my sister “It’s fine my dear, I understand why he’s angry.” We had our launch and I cleared the table and went to wash the plates,when my sister walked in. “Nwanne m'(my sister)” she said and walked into the kitchen. “Sister,” I replied and turned to face her letting go of the dish I was scrubbing. “Nwanne m see how big you've grown, you will make a good mother someday” I laughed and thanked them, then returned to continue washing the dishes. I knew my sister had more to visiting the kitchen because she rarely does. “Thanks for standing out for me earlier.” “Its fine sister, but sister haba! don't you think its time you come close to your family, this children need you soon I'll be going to school” “Well, Kamsi for the mean time that you're here, you'd be a mother and also serve my husband. I'm a working class lady I can't let my family tie me down biko, eh hhe I will be traveling tomorrow, I'll leave as early as 5am” “What! But sister you just came back last night now which travel again!” “Kamsi don't be silly! take care of the boys and my husband and the house, when I get back we will talk about your school and other necessities. I think you need another car” “Sister, I don't need another car I still love the one you gave me on my last birthday, you can give me the money. But what is important is that, your family needs you", I said “Shut up, what do you know?” With that she stomped out of the kitchen. Later that evening, I finished washing and dressed up to go hang out with my friends that lived in the neighborhood. “Sister I’m off oh,” I told her “Okay, Nne please buy banana on your way home and don't forget to buy ice cream for your sons oh” she yelled from her room. On my way out, I met the boys and informed them that I'd be back soon. They made me promise to get them ice cream and I had to. A few minutes later, entering my car, I got to the a small eatery where I usually had outings with my friends. “Look, who we have here, Kamsiyochukwu the baby of the house,” Vivian said smiling. Vivian, Grace and Julie were close friends from my secondary school. They all welcomed me and we ordered for drinks and chatted about our boyfriends and other gists. “Baby girls, there is something that has been troubling me,” I said They prodded me on and I explained. “It is my sister oh, she has completely changed since she was made the MD of her company, her kids and their father are the ones suffering. I mean I have been the one taking care of her kids and the house, I feel sorry for her husband", I told them “Wahalur, no be small thing, what is her husband saying about it?" Julie asked "My dear when ever my sister happens to come back and Uncle Uche brings up the topic my sister will rage like a wildfire,and u know my uncle na he doesn't even talk too much, the Man seff don tire", I said ”Babe and you are just dulling, if na me I for don run that man since, what sort of a thing is that” Grace said “Ha! Grace how can you say that, its wrong now. Uncle Uche is her sister's husband”, Julie said Grace fired back. “Is it not better she keeps than for him to look outside” “Wait, wait, it's okay girls. Honestly, there are nights when I wish that man will touch me. You should see his chest and his trousers bulge at the groin” “My kind of man” Grace said with a sly smile. “But its an abomination in my town. I just hope God will forgive me with some thoughts in my head, anyway I have to go girls” I said as I remembered that I was to buy some things. “Here pay for the food and drinks,” I said and dropped a wad of notes. Then I left to buy what I had to. In my heart, I began to give Grace's words a thought. To be continued on» Bcdblog. You can add me for more stories and updates

Episode 4

MY SISTER'S HUSBAND Episode 4 “But its an abomination in my town. I just hope God will forgive me with some thoughts in my head, anyway I have to go girls” I said as I remembered that I was to buy some things. “Here pay for the food and drinks,” I said and dropped a wad of notes. Then I left to buy what I had to. In my heart, I began to give Grace's words a thought. * “I'm home,” I said walking into the house. “yeeeeh,” the kids came running into my arms and I fondled their cheeks. I gave them the ice cream and went to give my sister her pizza and banana. She thanked me and offered me some. I went into the kitchen to make dinner, we ate and the kids went to bed. That night, I saw to the preparation of the children's clothes and uniforms for the school the next day. The next day, I woke up and found out that my sister already left. I was the one that woke the boys and their father as usual for our morning prayers and ran them a bath. They took their bath, had their breakfast and got ready for school and work. I made their lunch and the kids school bus came took the boys to school. You can add me, Berkinsdanielblog Family for more stories and updates. And to be notified when I post. “Sir, here is your lunch,” I said giving him his packaged meal. “Thank you so much my dear, sorry... Kamsi,” my heart rung bells. Did he just call me “my dear”. “I won't be home early, he said collecting the packaged bag” “Okay Sir,” In my heart I felt a bit sad that the house would be lonely without him. “Gosh, what was I thinking,” I shrugged off the thought. I really can't fall in love with my sister's man. He left and I stood by the door watching him like a wife. I did my chores and finally rested waiting for the closure of schools when the kids would return. Maybe it was because of my emotions or the thoughts I had but I dreamt that Uncle Uche, my sister's husband, was hugging me and telling me how much he loved me. In the dream, I could not contain my excitement. And I draped my arms around him and told him that I felt the same way. A sharp ringing sound woke me and I realized that it was the alarm I had set. I checked the time it was 1:00 pm. “My angels will soon be back” I exclaimed. And set off to kitchen to warm soup for them.. It wasn't long, I heard their school bus driver in and the kids rushed in to kitchen. “Mummy, I missed you,” David said "Awww I missed you more" I said as I embraced both of them. The minder handed me their bags and then said “On Wednesday is PTA meeting, you and your husband must be there ", the minder said. I just smiled faintly and told her we would come. Why did everything just remind me of my sister's husband. Did we really look like a couple? The thought made butterflies flutter by in my belly. Pause» you can add me» Bcdblog for more stories and updates. And to be notified when I post. With the minder gone, I made them take their bath, eat their food and have their nap because my son could be a little bit boisterous and went to wash their school wear. After everything it was 4:30pm so I woke the boys up and gave them snacks and their homemade fruit juice. They did their home work and I put their education tv channel, and went in to get dinner ready. I even served uncle's food on the dinning forgetting that he wasn't going to be home tonight. I bit my lips as I thought of him. What I am getting myself into. * The next day, I noticed when Uncle Uche came back that he was in a pensive mood. He didn't speak to the kids when they returned. I began to wonder why he was so upset, did he have a bad day. Did any ann0y him He didn't reply me warmly. He merely asked that his food be sent up and then he banged his doors. I hurried to prepare his meal. Balancing a tray of food, I knocked and he asked that I come in. “And lock the door behind you” he added. To be continued after 100 shares Congratulations to Bcdblog Family we just clocked 75,000. After all the rest!ct!ons from Facebook. We are moving forward. Just for today, I wanna Advertise for you at 1,500 per post. The advert will be dropped on our WhatsApp channel and also here for just 1,500. Thanks Fam 💙

Episode 5

MY SISTER'S HUSBAND Episode 5 My Uncle's male voice from somewhere inside the dimly lit room said: “Come in, my dear” as I knock and turned the door knob to let myself in. Balancing an ivory tray of food and fruit juice which I had brought at his request. The familiar wisps of his masculine perfume embraced my face as I walked in. Before me was his very spacious room. The huge king-sized bed sat at the middle and chairs dotted the room. But for the fact that I had lived with my sister for the better part of my life, the room would have been enough to make my jaw drop. Just beside the bed laid a stool with ruby-encrusted gold hand bands and pearl earrings. My sister had casually left her jewelry lying about on the stool as usual. My Uncle had just finished having his bathe. I could tell because he was clad in nothing but briefs and droplets of water lined his hair. “Kamsi, is that you?", The man on the bed sat erect. He still looked cross and annoyed. I wondered who had got him offended. "Yes, sir", I said as I curtsied out of respect. "Where do I drop the tray", I asked without looking up to his face. His handsomeness ruffled me. But he said nothing to me, instead he got up took the tray and placed on the bedside stool. Getting up from the bed, brought more of his muscular broad chest and huge biceps. “Did you locked the door” he asked and I nodded in the affirmative. A tingly feeling crept up the insides of my thighs. I was all alone with my sister's husband, this heightened what I felt for him. He took my arms and led me to the bed and for a moment, I imagined being bedded by him. My thoughts went crazy as my eyes kept hanging low at the swell of his huge manhood. Even without being erect, he was heavy. I swallowed hard. Then sat on the bed. “Kamsi, we need to talk,” my Uncle's voice suddenly sounded so sorrowful. I barely listened not because I didn't want to. Being next to him made me unable to follow his words.. “Kamsi?” “Oh, sorry, yes sir... What should we talk about?” he snapped me out of my thoughts. “I have been talking about your sister not being fair to me” “My sister? Unfair? How sir?” Hearing my sister being mentioned struck a note. “Look at what she's doing to me, the kids, our marriage” he said. As though deciding he had to prove his point, he produced his phone, an iPhone 13, from the bedside drawer and was about to show me something as he explained. “I married her out of love, but... but..'” my sister's husband did what surprised me the most. He broke down and began to cry like a baby. I have never ever seen him cry. I felt so sorry and I placed his head on thighs while I patted his head like a baby. His huge frame bent againt my legs was wracked with sobs. I couldn’t help thinking about making him happy. I rested on him as he remained on my thighs and that was when we both began to feel the heat. My sister's husband had had the same thoughts because he knelt down and began to run his firm hands around the dainty curves of my fleshy body. From the full swell of my breāsts, then arcing inwards at my waist before finally spreading out at my wide hips. I shook like I'd caught cold under his hands. The neck of my nightgown slunk with a v-shape that got low enough to offer a view of her chests as he tugged and the dress. I felt the feverish urge to make quick passionate sex. My night gown had slits by the side which got only as far in length as my thighs, he undid the knot of the gown, leaving only the inner garment which was translucent. His eyes stared at the full lump of V-shape under my night dress, I knew he could make out the outline and picture the swell, arcs, curves and features of my body. “Lets make love,” he said in a soft but determined voice as he pressed his lips on mine and punctiliously slid his two longest fingers inside the wetness of my body. I didn't know when a moan escaped me. But I felt that this was a haven for me, a cloud nine. His kisses were evocative, his tongue pried about my lips and tickled the insides of my mouth. “Oh, aww,” my moaning, he seemed to take them in. His fingers deepened with the kisses and I felt delirious in pleasure. He parted lips from mine and I pulled him back but he tugged away and came for my breasts. “Uncle..” I panted. How could my sister leave such a man? My logical senses screamed for me to leave him but the tickle I felt in me, the excitement that rode my mind and sheer curiosity prevented me from running. "Let's see what happens", I inwardly resolved. I didn't know when he had gotten up with me propped up against his body. I was pressed against his hard body and I could feel the throbbing of his groin. The only thing preventing his entrance was his briefs that he still had on. I could hear my heart beat, racing faster. His masculine scent filled my nose. He moved pressed me again to him as he sucked my nipples and bit in slowly. I arched my head back. "What are we doing", I thought to myself but I still wanted to see to the end. Uncle Uche wore a wry smile as he said, “ I have been watching you since..". I slightly taken aback that he had eyes on me all the while. ".. and I..I.. too", I said with a slight stammer but in a soft voice. "But he is married and this is so not right", I thought again. As much as I wanted to run, I also wanted to find out. I was confused, torn between my flesh and spirit. For a moment I got mesmerized and didn't realize that he had dropped me gently to his bed. It was only when I had plopped on the bed did I realize. Uncle Uche pulled off his briefs and the length of his masculinity was enough to make my mouth gape. He tried to help me take off any barrier so that I could welcome him unhindered into the warmth of thighs. Pause» you can add me» Bcdblog for more stories and updates. And to be notified when I post. And he did. Take them off, all that was left was the narrow strip of undie. That barely covered my already plump feminity. I parted my legs and he came between me, ready to untie take off the undie himself. He had began pulling it off my thighs, to my knees and just got if off to my legs when something happened. Something. And as quickly as I had been lost to him, I suddenly realized myself. As though a spell had broken, I was compelled to act. I just couldn't hurt my sister. No, I kicked him off me. Grabbed my night gown and bolted. As I jolted back to reality. I made for the door but startling me, he grabbed my arm and asked “What is the matter” he sounded desperate. I managed to shrug him off and ran. "Noooo!" , I heard him say as I fled the room leaving him, I was sure, in consternation. Just as I left, I heard the gates open and my sister had returned. Thereafter, I heard my sister's car drive in. I sighed a sigh of relief, so my sister would have met me in bed with her husband. God forbid! I felt ashamed that I could even, I could even allow my desire to overtake me. Pause» you can read more stories on» bcdblog.ng As I rushed to douse myself with water from the shower, I realized that my G-str!ng had been left in his room. And my sister was back. Bcdblog Facebook Family

Episode 6

MY SISTER'S HUSBAND Episode 6 My sister barged in with the keys she had and soon, I heard her bang the door to her husband's room. She sounded infuriated when I rushed to greet her before she entered her matrimonial room, I didn't have the heart to look at her husband again knowing that I nearly let him in. Had sister somehow known about it, that her husband and I almost made love? Why is she coming back at this ungodly hour. My sister didn't even acknowledge my greeting, she stormed in and banged the door. What followed was her husband's voice and hers. They were having heated argument. I heard him severally calling her a “b||tch” and they exchanged der0gatory words. “I have it all recorded,” was the last thing I heard Uncle Uche say before they both went silent and some sort of recording began to play. Maybe, this was what he had meant by my sister being unfair. Recording: “Ah, ah, ah...r” “Ah, ah, ahhhh ‘Ben harder, you're gonna k-ill me the way you do it’” “Mmm.. ah ah, I'm there baby, I'm there.” there was a familiar masculine voice that kept groaning and spanking something as he did. After some time, I heard my sister's voice again from the recording: “Baby, you promise to give me the 18 million I asked you,” my sister said her partner. “We just finished our 5th round and I want the money so that I can give you all the styles you want”. “Yes, yes. My dear I haven't forgotte. In fact, let me write the cheque right away. In fact, I will make it 20 million,” he said. “20M?” my sister sounded so happy. “My money bag, my money bag,” she kept on hailing him. “I’m yours for the night. Anyhow you want it.” the man laughed cheerily and promised to take her to Dubai where they would elope. With that, the recording ended. I heard my sister say, “so you caught me with Ben my boss and so what!” Had sister been sleeping with her boss and not even the slightest remorse?” “Can you hear yourself, you whore. I have evidence of your infidelity and you're still sham-eless” My sister exchanged heard words again and as they insulted, I just paid attention to the second recording that had begun to play. There was then another recording of her conversation with her friend: “See Kate, I am a busy woman and that's why I brought my sister Kamsi to my house after we lost our mother few years back, so she can take care of my family!” “That’s my babe. But how do you manage to survive without provoking your husband, I mean, you spend most nights with Mr. Ben,” her friend asked “My Kpekus is my kpekus, and I can give it as I please. My husband is a fool and Mr. Ben is my mugu spender and boss, so once I say I'm off to work, my husband won't know”. Kami's sister said. “Anyway, long talk don plenty, I will soon leave them to stay with Mr. Ben in Dubai, he's so rich. Babe he spends in hard currency” “Hmm. Show me the way o” The recording ended with a laughter and I went back to my room. How could my own sister be this ca-llous! I didn't blame her husband for initiating intercourse with me, he must have been starved of it. Not for myself but for the kids and my sister's husband, I wept. To be continued on» Bcdblog Be sure to join us for more stories and updates

Episode 7

MY SISTER'S HUSBAND Episode 7 — Final That night, without a word to her kids, her sister, she packed her trunks and boxes and left their lives for good. * My life I have loved and have never been loved back. I came from a wealthy but v!olent home. It's sad that my dad and mum were always against each other so I never got the feeling of being loved not until I met Oluchi. She seemed to love me as much as I loved her, or so I thought but everything changed after she was promoted to work directly with the General Manager of the Oil firm where she worked. I heard rumors that she was cheating on me with her boss. She even stopped having sex with me, but I still had no proof. I took it as the stress of work. She was not always home too and we quarreled too. My proof came when I cloned her phone and got the CCTV recordings from a hotel which she usually lodged. The good thing was, it was a hotel owned by my best friend and she never knew. Uche said this to his closest of friends as they visited. * “Omo, guy you have to let go of that woman” Kenneth said to his friend, Uche. “Yes man, I mean she's hurt you and the kids even her younger sister is disappointed in her,” Jude said "Guys it is not that easy", Uche persisted. “I loved her” “If it were only me, I'd make her pay by beating she and that stupid man called her boss,” another friend said. “Ha! Don't fight o, leave vengeance to God. Ne--mesis will catch up with them,” Jude advised. “Thanks so much guys, see Oluchi is the least of my worries now. The thing is I'm beginning to fall for Kamsi her sister, I mean she's all I want in a woman. My sons even call her mother, I love her,” Uche blowed out to my friends. They both exchanged knowing glances and Jude finally asked. “Are you being serious?” “Yes I am,” Uche replied They all exclaimed and Uche felt a bit embarrassed. But given the circumstances, Kenneth sais "Ehh guys, I think Uche has the right to do this, can't you see Oluchi even gave him a go ahead order when she left” “Chaii and I be dey eye dat girl nau, guy no do me like dis nau,” Daniel teased Uche. They all laughed and asked that he speaks to Kamsi first before taking any step. And also to seek a formal divorce from Oluchi. Uche got home late and found Kamsi sleeping on the couch waiting for him to return. "Kam dear why are you sleeping here?” she bolted straight up and looked away as he woke up. Ever since their near sex encounter she had been avoiding him, trying to stay out of his way though caring, but he knew that she was trying everything possible to prevent the temptation. “I was waiting for you to come back so I can lock the door,” she said rubbing her eyes sleepily. “It's fine I am here now, you can close the door. Goto bed I won't be eating and please, there is something I'll like to discuss with you but that should be tomorrow,” “OK Sir” With that they retired to their rooms. The next morning I woke the boys and did my normal morning chores and they left for school. Not long after, Uncle Uche came to the sitting room.. Again it was just me and him alone. He called me. "Sir you called,” I asked “Yes, my dear please sit down” I eyes him suspiciously and he suddenly burst into a guffaw. “Please,” he said as he laughed, “I know what you're thinking but, that's not why I called you”. I felt a bit abashed and I blushed. I sat and he became calm for a while before he spoke again, “my dear”. "Sir", I answered fearing the worst for my sister. “I love you” "Isi gini?(you said what)?" I asked in shock and he smiled. “I said I love you. See I have watched and monitored you for a long time now and I have come to a conclusion that I want to marry you. I dont like beating about the bush, your sister has hurt me so much and I can't bear it anymore. She sent me divorce papers yesterday in the office and guess what I have signed it. I'm not married to her again,” he said almost in tears. “Jesus! sir you can't do this what of the kids. What will my people say The world will they say I have taken my sister's husband. Please forgive her, it's very bad for me to marry my sister's husband when she's very much alive", I tried explaining to him. “Kamsi dear listen to me, I spoke with your uncle and told him of all ur sister has been doing, they promise to give me back her bride price so I can come and pay yours,” he said. “Chineke nna. OK what of my sister what will she say?" “I discussed all this during our divorce proceedings, your Uncle has approved, your sister doesn't care she has even remarried her boss and they're off to Dubai as I speak” “Sir, you mean it?” “Yes, please marry me. I love you” “I... I...,” I stammered. “Not just for me, but for the kids” “I will sir” I accepted. Uncle Uche took me in his arms and we embraced. * My uncle returned my sister's bride price and asked Uche to come and pay mine, I called sister to make sure she knows what she's doing but her line wasn't connecting. I told uncle and he said he didn't care if she was alive or dead, she had brought shame to the family and he had disowned her as the head of the family. I moved on with my family its been months now and my sister haven't been found, I guess she's happy wherever she is. Now married to me, Uche, finally found love. Oh, I didn't tell you he's now the newest father in town as I gave birth to twin baby girls. David and Frank wer so excited and couldn't ask for more they had a family now. A real family. No news was heard about Oluchi, the only thing we heard was that Mr.Ben was arrested for m-urder and human trafficking in Dubai. Whether Oluchi survived or not, I don't know but I am now a graduate and also a business owner. And one thing I am sure of now is, East or West — Home is the best. The End Follow Bcdblog and Bcdblog Family for more stories and updates. Join my WhatsApp channel and follow up on Twitter

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