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My Aunt's Husband


Episode 1&2

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 1 My parents died when I was just 10 years old,not having another sibling or relative who was ready to accept me my mom's only sister Belinda accepted me. She wasn't married at that time but she had a fiance and they got married two years later. For about 2 years if marriage my aunt couldn't concieve. She and her husband Josh went to different hospitals but they usually said nothing was wrong with them. Uncle Josh was running out if patience,as a rich man with many properties and assets he wanted a son who will take over his legacy and he wasn't ready for adoption as all IVF sessions didn't work either. Uncle Josh opted for surrogacy but Aunt Belinda wouldn't want to hear anything of such. She was a very jealous woman who didn't want to share her man with anyone. She knew if she allowed that she might be using her hand to tear her family apart. She badly wanted them to have kids but she wasn't ready to let a random woman,more like a stranger into her home for the same I'd helping her to carry her child. According to her 9 months was more than enough to destroy her home. I started noticing that the way uncle Josh looked at me changed. I didn't know if I should tell aunt Belinda,but what was I gonna tell her if I was to tell her. This continued for a very long time and I decided to out a blind eye to it because I saw it as nothing. I was in ss3 at that time, preparing for waec and jamb. I was still in between the decision of writing jamb that year or the next. Aunt Belinda usually called me chinwe but my name is chinwendu. I preferred my native name to Olivia (my English name),but whichever goes. Aunt Belinda loved me so much and I loved her too. I prayed for her everyday because I didn't want her family to crash because of her inability to give birth. She cried almost every day and the crying was worst any day her mother inlaw comes to visit. Even if the doctor said nothing was wrong with them she still had her doubts since she couldn't still give birth. Her mother inlaw found every little chance to taunt her and remind her of her predicament. One time I tried talking back at her mother inlaw for calling aunt Belinda barren but it only earned me and slap from her mother inlaw saying I was disrespectful. Uncle Josh would always stare at my backside whenever I walked pass him or mistakenly bump into me and squeeze my butt at the process. Things were really suspicious with him but I didn't see him as that kind of person. He was a man of integrity as aunt always said. He respected himself and God also,so I didn't think much of it at first but I started having second thoughts after I caught him peeping me in the bathroom mutiple times. On Saturday as usual aunt Belinda had gone to the market and she usually stays for a long time leaving me and uncle Josh at home. After I was done cleaning the rooms and every other places that needed cleaning I went to aunt's room to do some cleaning too. I did that every Saturday as I don't have to meet to do it during the week because of school. As I was cleaning uncle Josh came out of the bathroom with just a towel on and water dripping from his body. I excused myself but as I was heading back he called me back and said I should continue that he didn't mind. I sure told him I mind but he said I should continue. It was hard to concentrate with all the manleness in front of me. He removed the towel from his waste and told me to look over to him. Of course I dare not look over and my heart was thumping so hard, before I could process what was happening he was already at my back squeezing my butt. 'Olivia don't tell me you haven't seen this before,so why are you acting all shy and rigid with me,come on don't you see I like you. I want you to give me kids since your aunt can't', don't need scared okay or are you a virgin'.. 2 MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 2 NB: 20 shæres to unlock the next episode Don't tell me you haven't seen this before Olivia, feel free to look okay?.This were the words of uncle Josh as he saw I was still battling with my eyes. Of course I didn't dare look at him,he said all this as he was still squeezing my butt and breathing hot air into my neck. I closed my eyes pushed him away and went out of the room. I wasn't a virgin but that didn't mean I was ready to hurt my aunt who took me in when no one agreed to in the worst way ever. How could uncle Josh even think of something like that. I had a very big and strong crush on uncle Josh,well who wouldn't he had the best body, strong muscles,golden eyes that I mistook for lenses at first and a very succulent pink lips in licks every 30 seconds. But after the incident in the room all the feelings I ever had for him vanished. I thought he was the man of integrity who had respect for himself. Pause ⏸️ » Read more stories and be notified when we post by following me on» Bcdblog TV I knew I was very beautiful and had wonderful assets but Aunt Belinda was more beautiful and how could he request sex from a 16 year old that was so crazy. I slept off in my room thinking of this. I woke up to a knock on my door,it was aunt Belinda. Chinwe why didn't you clean up my room as you are supposed to she asked. I told her I was but then,uncle Josh showed up at her back putting his finger across his lips signalling me to keep quiet. Then what chinwe my aunt screamed at me. I'm sorry aunt I felt a sharp pain in my head and I came to take drugs but I then fell asleep I'm so sorry I'll go do it now I replied. She waved her hand at me signalling me not to worry, I could see worry in her eyes as she asked if I was okay. I told her I was and she said I should get more rest that she will call me when lunch is ready. Just as she left uncle Josh cane into my room bolting it. What were you trying to do just now Olivia,are you trying to break your aunt's home and do you think she Will believe I'll do such a thing well dream on, you better keep your mouth shut and why are you pretending like you don't want me. I see the way you look at me in the dinning or when I come back from my morning runs so we would be doing ourselves a favor okay? Give me children and I give you good sex, I'll also give you money all the time if only you agree to it. He kiss3ed me on my cheek and I couldn't take more of his nonsense as I told him to get out of my room. He was hesitating but when I threatened to scream till aunt hears me he reluctantly went out. Is this man crazy or what. Does he know what he is doing is s3exual harrassment. I so wanted to tell aunt Belinda but I knew this will break her. She so loved uncle Josh and I didn't want to add more salt to her injury. Aunt called me down for lunch as I was coming down the stairs uncle Josh mistakenly ran into me again. This his mistake every time was getting really stu3pid. I ignored him and went to the dinning because I wasn't ready for,I couldn't even complete my thoughts as Aunt called me to come help set the table. We sat down and ate as usual but I avoided uncle Josh eyes like a plague. Aunt noticed this and asked what's going on I told her nothing. Of course she knew something was up because I always talked with uncle in the dinning cracking jokes and everything but today I wasn't doing any of that. She questioned him and he said he told me he wanted swallow for dinner but I said I wanted rice and we had a little argument concerning a movie we watched so I was still angry at him. Yeah she believed, I always make dinner and I watch movies with her husband alot and that was gonna change from this minute. She asked me if that was the case and I so wanted to tell her the truth but I just nodded in affirmation. I wish she knew her husband for who he truly is........

Episode 3&4

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 3 I so much wanted to tell my aunt how desperate her husband was for a child because I needed him to stay clear from me. I didn't like the fact that he was asking me for se-x not only se-x but to bare him children I'm 16 for God's sake. After lunch I cleared the table and went to clean the dishes while Aunt Belinda prepared for work. She works afternoon to evening shifts on Saturday. I washed the dishes and took excuse from Aunt to go out but she refused saying her husband wanted me to help him out with his computer. I told her I needed to get a note from my classmate but she asked why I was still mad at her hubby because of the argument over the movie that I always helped him out with his computer so I should do it, prepare dinner then tomorrow I'll go get the note. She also told me she would be coming back very late. Pause» follow Bcdblog TV for more stories and updates How could Aunt Belinda do this to me,I didn't want to be in the same breathing space with him. He was a pervert and a disrespectful person. If only Aunt knew what he wants from me then she won't even let me talk to her. If it had been when I didn't see this side of him I would leap for joy because I get to spend time with my crush. Well he can crush himself to hell. What would he even want me to do in his computer now?. After she left I stormed into their room and asked uncle Josh what he wanted from me. I made it clear to him that I wasn't in for any agreement he wanted that if he's looking for a child then he should go get himself a surrogate and stop hatrasing me. 'olivia how do you want me to explain this to you,I want the child from you it's not even about the child it's about my love for you. You are a beautiful and adorned lady what do you want to do with those set of pretty ass all by yourself huh,I just want to have a taste even if you don't want to bare me children because if your aunty at least let me taste okay?your aunty is getting old and I don't enjoy her anymore'. As he was spilling all the nonsense from his mouth he kept moving close to me and I kept moving back. He immediately bolted the door and for-cefully hugged me. He kis-sed me in my lips and I bit him. He got angry and tore my clothes leaving me in just my bra and p-anties. That was it, the littlest amount of patience left me as I gave him a thunderous slap that left him speechless.'Who do you even think you are huh? I told you I'm not interested in whatever you are implying,you have a beautiful wife who happens to be my aunt for God's sake. I'm 16 and you could be sued for se-xual harra-ssment or even child mole-station. I don't want to be your baby mama neither do I want to be your s-ex doll so go fu*k yourself and leave me alone. The next time you try this I'll not just slap you but I'll be forc-ed to report you to your wife. I was so vexed at this point that I didn't even bother to pick up my shredded dress we it's not like he hasn't seen me in my full glory as he was always peeping me whenever I had my bath. I continued'you think I don't see the way you peep me whenever I'm bathing well u see you and today should be the last time because if it repeats itself then you will get it hot from me'. He was shocked but did well to hide it in his face and I could see he was angry as he replied me 'oh! Olivia you have grown wings to talk back at me ,even slap me do you know I can throw your misreable self out of my house huh? and not even your aunt can stop me. If you try this nonsense attitude of yours with me again I'll show you,just see someone I want to help if you don't want to live in the streets then you better agree to what I say now get out of my room....... EPISODE 4 'If you don't want to live in the streets then you better do what I'm telling you',these kept pondering in my head as a ringtone. I needed to act fast because I wasn't ready to live in the he streets I wasn't even done with school so how was I to cope if he carried out his threats. But Aunt Belinda won't let that happen right?.At this point I was so confused,did I make a mistake by slapping him, should I have surcum to his stupid advances, should I tell Aunt,will she believe me if I told her. All this random thoughts kept running through my head and I slept off . I woke up as usual every Sunday morning and joined aunt Belinda and her husband in the parlour for morning devotion. And as usual it went from the normal morning devotion to a hot tense prayer asking God for a child. I went in spirit as I saw how hurt aunt Belinda was. This was a trying moment in their marriage and instead of her so called husband to be in it with her, he is busy looking for who to put in trouble. I just kept thinking that I didn't even know when they finished. I was still in my own thoughts when I heard my name'chinwe!chinwe!!chinwe!!!. I then realized I had zoomed off. Where was your mind ehh this girl I've been calling you my aunt asked. Sorry aunt I didn't get enough sleep last night and I was thinking how I would go get the note I didn't get yesterday I lied. Well stop zooming off like that during morning devotions, you are supposed to be praying not thinking of whatever you are thinking of let this not repeat itself,ngwa osiso (fast fast)go and prepare breakfast. I went into the kitchen to make breakfast while Aunt Belinda and her husband set-to prepare for church. While I was cooking I felt hand in my waist and turning my back I saw uncle Josh smirking at me while holding my waist, I immediately pushed him away and he frowned.' Haven't you yet decided, I thought I made it crystal clear to you yesterday that if you don't give me what I want then you're leaving my house ehh Olivia or you thought I was joking. What is even there that you are safe guarding like this, the last time I asked if you were a virgin you didn't answer me and if you're don't worry I won't hurt you just allow me'. "Uncle Josh I thought I also made it clear to you yesterday that I'm not interested in whatever you are saying. I thought I made it clear to you that you should leave me alone and stop harrasing me or I'll tell your wife, how hard is it for you to understand that I'm underage and the woman you're married to is my aunt for Christmas sake. So you expect me to start sleeping around with my aunt's husband is that what you're insinuating?". I asked standing akimbo. I don't get why you are threatening me I continued,if you need a whore you know where to find them and if you want someone to carry your child there are hospitals to provide such privileges. Please uncle Josh stop harrasing me I don't like it and I don't want it,I you continue like this I'll be forced to report you to your wife please allow me do my cooking in peace. I tried confronting in a less tense tone thinking maybe he will listen but it only inflated his ego as he replied "Olivia I'm not giving you an option to choose from I'm telling you what I want from you and you must do it in as much you live under my roof and if you're not longer interested in staying here then you can leave ,see I don't want to sound harsh or anything, I don't want you to feel forced because I'm not forcing you. I want you to come willingly to me"he said as he touched my waist again. I pushed him away again and said did you just say willingly I'm 16 for goodness sake don't you know that. If I had been your sister would you let someone harras her this way, I'm trying so hard not to disrespect you and I hope you do same here. It was as if all I just said went on deaf ears he tried to kiss me. I pushed him so hard he nearly hit hi head on the wall and pulled a knife from the cupboard "see if you touch me again I will put this knife inside that your Belle better leave me because I'm not interested, I'm not Interested!! I added but Aunt Belinda just came into the kitchen. "Babe what are you guys talking about and what aren't you interested in chinwe?........

Episode 5

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 5 What are you not interested in eh chinwe aren't you the one I'm talking to Aunt Belinda shouted at me. Uncle Josh spoke up immediately, oh honey don't mind her o I'm just asking her if she can help me prepare something else because I don't feel like eating plantain for breakfast and she is just speaking English for me. Immeduately I opened my mouth to tell my Aunt the truth of the whole matter she slapped me hard across the face. Eh chinwe you now have grown wings okwaya(isn't it),you now talk back at my husband and refuse to do things for him eh. See let me warning you this should be the last time you try such nonsense because the next time won't be funny. I could see uncle Josh smirking at me and it angered me so much "Aunt what he said isn't what happened he was saying that I should..... She cut me off again with another slap. 'wait are you calling my husband and liar see chinwe I don't know when you began to tell lies , oh I can see you have started growing wings abi. See this should be the first and last time you say something like that again in this house. If my husband asks you to jump the jump, if he asks you to sit then you sit, don't you ever and I mean ever disrespect him again, now make what he said you should make for him for breakfast. See I wasn't the one that killed your parents so you can't kill me because I'll kill you before you kill me mtcheww. All this insults because I'm trying to tell her the truth. She even had to remind me of my parents death. Tears swelled in my eyes but I did everything to make sure it didn't pour because I didn't want uncle Josh to think he had won. I had a conscience and I wasn't ready whatsoever to hurt my aunt even if she just hurt me with her words. If only she knew what her husband was asking for then she would have a rethink over the things she just said. Wait chinwe are you still standing and looking at me oya cook fast so we can eat and go to church. This statement brought me back from my thoughts as I continued my cooking. "Honey what do you want her to make for you she asked uncle Josh. Uncle Josh smiled at her and said "babe don't worry I'm not hungry anymore and we are already late so I think I should go have my bath so we can go to church". I looked at how foolishly my Aunt was concoring to his every word, what a wife. After preparing breakfast I prepared for church but I wasn't allowed to go anymore. See chinwe my mother inlaw said she is on her way so I want you to stay home and welcome her when she arrives okay?, prepare her room and make food for her my aunt informed me. I asked her about church and she asked why I was questioning her and asked if I was tired of staying with her. She reminded me that I am an orphan that she choose to help and I should be glad she still let's me stay with he family. I didn't say another word as I went to take off my clothes and began to work again. I was just wondering what changed, isn't this the same aunt Belinda that has never laid her hands on me for nothing, why was she being so harsh now. What has Uncle Josh told her, should be agree to what he said I should do anyways aunt said I should do whatever he asks, should I stand my ground and not hurt my aunt, and if he carried out his threats then what, why would aunt think I was lying. I didn't linger much as I started preparing for mom Beatrice (Josh mom) visitation. I knew it was gonna be fire for fire yet again. They were many rooms but mom Beatrice loved staying in the room close to her sons room. When I was done with everything I was assigned it didn't even take long before mom Beatrice arrived. I greeted her but I was surprised she brought a girl of my age with her. We conversed like mother and daughter before she asked I bring them food, I was just thanking my stars because I made enough even if I didn't know she was bringing someone, if it hadn't been enough she would have started war with me. "Where is my son and that barren witch ehh she asked,mom aunt Belinda isn't a witch and she isn't barren she hasn't been visited with a child yet but with time she will have hers just be patient with......I didn't finish my sentence as she cut me off, if not that I now like you I would have given you another slap to add to the first one I gave when I visited last,she is a barren witch and don't ever correct me on that and as you can see I brought a real lady to bare my son children.... It was at that time I even noticed my aunt's presence she had been standing on the door and after mom Beatrice said this I could see a tear drop from her eye while uncle Josh kept looking at the girls buttocks............ Episode 6 loading.....

Episode 6

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 6 Aunt looked very pale as she looked at mom Beatrice and said, mom I don't understand what do you mean by you brought a woman to bare him children,are my God?, I'm I the giver of children?,why are you hell bent on destroying my home mom?. Mom Beatrice couldn't care less as she looked at the girl she brought "Nnma(beauty) please let chinwe show you where you would sleep while I take care of this barren woman". I didn't know what to say or do as my aunt was giving me those killer eyes that implies if I take her anywhere then I'm done. I wasn't ready to be dragged into their matter as I had enough drama and draggings in the morning. "Babe let mama and the girl settle first then we will discuss better when you're calm okay?,I wouldn't want you to say what you will regret later",well this was typing uncle Josh talking under the influence of what's inside the girls skirt. How could mom Beatrice even bring such a young girl for uncle Josh maybe she knew her child's obsession with little girls, hmm what a life. Babe how can you say that, your mom barges into my home with another lady,sorry girl to bare my own husband children and you said I should wait for a home wrecker to settle first huh?, this girl is chinwe's age for Christ sake,this was aunt replying him. I just excused myself and went to prepare a room for the girl. But I think I made a mistake by preparing the one close to my room. I wanted to have a nice chit chat with her when they have decided her faith of her either staying or going. After the case was resolved I showed the girl which I haven't yet known her name her room and she loved it at least she wasn't all picky but she didn't look like a good person to me but I'm not judge. To some extent I was happy that mom Beatrice brought some one then at least her son would gladly leave me alone,so I hope because I didn't want to do anything that will make me loose face in the society when people find out. I went to prepare dinner but I decided to check on my aunt first and I could see her in her room looking all gloomy and pale. I still wonder why she hasn't given birth,she is a good person and according to her she married a virgin so I won't say she had a past abortion. Immediately she saw me she started crying so hard that I felt for her, I even forgot all the things she said and did to me in the morning and I wished I could take away little of her pain. Chinwe imagine Josh allowed his mom and that girl stay in this house,just imagine the stupid agreement he made to his mom. He said the girl can stay with us but he isn't going to impregnate her because he loves me but he would accommodate her since mom had married her for him, what nonsense is that how can someone just come into my home and want to wreck it?. Did I ever ask not to be fruitful?,did I ever do anything wrong to anyone?,chinwe why are my been punished this way?. I consoled her and told her to fight for what rightly belongs to her. I also told her not to trust her husband on the matter of the girl living here with us but her mood suddenly changed. She told me that not because she was confiding in me gives me the right to bad mouth her husband, I wanted to tell her what's going on with her so called man of integrity and respect but I didn't see it as the appropriate time for that. Uncle Josh came in and I excused myself to the kitchen of course I evasdropped on their conversation."Honey Stop all this tears I already told you I'm not gonna have anything to do with that girl Mana brought I just accepted her to stay here because I didn't want any problem with Mama, just trust me this once and everything is gonna be fine. It's not your fault that we don't have children and I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes okay?,so cheer up and it was as if aunt Belinda was hypnotized she immediately smiled. Well I won't say anything for now until I see what uncle Josh has planned. At least I get to be free from his harrassments and threats...... Episode 7 loading......

Episode 7

I was happy to some extent not because someone was sent to wreck my aunt's family but because I would have a bit of peace. I knew if he had continued I wouldn't know the outcome. I went to kitchen and started preparing dinner but the girl came in and said I should leave the cooking for the night to her that she wanted to prepare food for her husband. Hmm husband kwa?, when did that one start. I didn't want mom Beatrice problem neither did I want any other insult so I let her do the cooking as I watched from a distance. During dinner everyone was eating peacefully and she really is a good cook. Aunt was just enjoying her meal with her husband by her side. Aunt Belinda then started a conversation she could have sensed how the dinning was very quiet with just cuttleris chattering "Chinwe you have upped your cooking skills o, nekwa ga enri na to(see how this food is delicious)". Aunt I wasn't the one that cooked o, she looked at me and I pointed at the girl mom Beatrice brought. Omo come and see uncle Josh complementing her and her bright her smile was, I just kept watching Aunt Belinda's movement. She stopped eating and swiftly left the table, I was expecting uncle Josh to follow her but he was just drowning in the food. I couldn't leave my food because someone else cooked it or because uncle Josh was complementing her,I received alot of those compliments so there wasn't even a bit of jealously in my heart as I ate to my satisfaction. I can't come and kill myself. After dinner uncle Josh went to confront aunt Belinda." Babe why did you just leave the table and the food mom is very angry and you made the girl she brought feel sad, see it's just food she cooked so just manage okay?, she's now family and I want you to treat her the same way you treat Olivia please. My aunt looked angry but didn't say much,she just told him she was sorry for leaving the table that she didn't expect her to cook and that she doesn't want her to enter the kitchen again as she will he the one cooking from then. I didn't linger more I went to do the last chore for the day before I went to bed. I decided it was time I had that chit chat with the new wife sorry new girl I didn't still know her name. I went into her room and she was just coming out of the bathroom. And if I were a male I would have fallen in love with her. I excused myself to go out while she changed but she smiled and said I was her fellow woman so I can stay. I just kept looking at another direction till she was fully dressed. We hit it off immediately,hi am chinwe I told her and she asked why I liked my native name more than Olivia. Well I just told her I loved it more and that's all and how she knew my name was Olivia she then said mom Beatrice told her. I complimented her cooking skills and told her I would love to learn from her. Of course I could cook but her food was awesome and I was open to learning more. Aunt Belinda didn't really teach me much in cooking I had backed the little she thought me with cooking videos and practicals from school. She said she would be delighted to give me lessons on cooking. She said she's a chef and I was wowed. I thought she was my age mate but she is actually 4 years older than me, looks surely could decieve. She is 20 and she told me she wasn't here to wreck my aunt's marriage but to help them have children. That mom Beatrice paid her and once she gives birth to a child for them she would be off. I didn't know why I didn't believe her but I'll just be watching. I could vividly remember she said she wants to prepare food for her husband. I asked why she accepted mom Beatrice's offer and she said it's because her restaurant because bankrupt and she needed money. I asked if mom Beatrice married her and she was shocked but covered her shock with a smile and she changed the topic telling me her name is Hannah........ Episode 8 loading.......

Episode 8

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 8 The name Hannah kept ringing a bell in my ears. Well it was good she was here, but I knew for sure that my aunt didn't welcome her at all. But also why did uncle Josh welcome her with open hands, I knew that things were a bit funny rather strange but I couldn't pin point where the feeling was coming from. It's been days and mom Beatrice had gone back to the village, not without a quarrell with aunt Belinda. "Mama you better take back that thing you brought from the village because she isn't welcome to stay with me I no longer agree to whatever you have said,I don't need anyone to bare my children for me, especially that girl I rather go to the orphanage and adopt", this was Aunt Belinda speaking. Uncle Josh came into the scene with an looking so angry as he said "orphanage what?ehh Belinda,see you can't give me a child talk more of children so why don't you let Hannah do it. I have thought over it and I see it as the best option okay?. She will just be a surrogate while you donate your eggs to her. See no intimacy involved and we are going to the hospital tomorrow so Better get ready. I could see how desperate uncle Josh was. Aunt Belinda didn't even say a word as she went into her room. Me and Hannah had become good friends she wasn't as bad as I thought she was cool to he around with and she was helping me with my studies as senior certificate examination was around the corner. In a month it will begin so I needed to study and her helping me was a big help. As she said she wasn't there to ruin my aunt's marriage but actually to mend it. She was ready to be the surrogate but aunt Belinda wasn't having any if it as she swore over her dead body that she won't allow her be their surrogate. I didn't see the big deal in Hannah being their surrogate it wasn't as if uncle Josh was gonna have sex with Hannah or anything. And the way I was seeing it if aunt Hannah refused further he was gonna impregnate Hannah. I could see the eyes and the way he always looked at her. Well I was happy I wasn't being disturbed but I always saw him entering Hannah's room at night. But I don't hear any funny movements as he always comes out 10 minutes later. I was suspecting uncle Josh was responsible for Hannah being here but it was just theories and I had no proof whatsoever. Aunt Belinda and Hannah were never in good terms.Hannah wasn't the problem but aunt Belinda was. She never answered her greeting or ate her food which made me beg Hannah to let me do the cooking while she shows me what to do. I decided to talk to Aunt about the surrogacy stuff but she wasn't having any of it. Aunt Belinda I came to talked to you I said while I approached her. Sure what is it. I hope it's not money o because I'm not receiving my salary till next week. No it's not money I just came to tell you that it actually won't be bad if Hannah becomes a surrogate for you. Since it would just be artificial insemination, then I don't think you should have anything to worry about asvit will still be your child and it's also better than adoption. I think you agree sooner because with the way things are going uncle Josh might get her pregnant. Would you shut your mouth,see let me tell you my husband isn't that desperate and what did I tell you about bad mouthing him eh this girl. And also over my dead body will that girl mom Beatrice bring be my surrogate. I don't know what she and my mother inlaw has planned and I won't let it happen, oya get out of my room and don't you ever talk to me about this again. I went out of her room as she ordered. At least I tried talking to her. I headed to aunt Hannah's room to get my books which I left there but getting there uncle Josh had already entered so I just went to the door to hear their conversation and what I heard gave me the greatest shock of my life...... Episode 9 loading.....

Episode 9

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 9 Uncle Josh prepared for work as usual and drove out. I could sense a bit of tension around him and Hannah. Well he didn't go to work like that not without a quarrell with Aunt Belinda concerning Hannah being the surrogate. I wondered why aunt didn't agree and why she was so much in support of uncle Josh even when they have disagreement. I guess I would never know till I'm married. I just hoped Hannah stayed longer. Yeah it sounds selfish but it was worth it for me. I left aunt Belinda's room as she ordered me, I decided to go get my books from Hannah's room but getting to the hallway I saw uncle Josh entering her room. Isn't he supposed to be at work I could swear I saw him going out with his car 10 minutes ago then why was he here. I why didn't I see him entering the house? maybe he followed the back door. I wanted to Know what he always did in aunt Hannah's room so I evasdropped on their conversation but what I heard gave me the greatest shock of my life. Baby why are you still here I've been waiting outside for the past 10 minutes I need to get you to the hospital okay?. It's antenatal today so you need to come with me. This was uncle Josh speaking. But on a second thought when did Hannah get pregnant because i have been snooping on them and I know they didn't get any chance to be all intimate, and when did her name change from Hannah to baby I wanted to go but my ears were etching to hear more. Hannah: See Josh I'm tired of this play and act we have been putting on. This isn't what I signed up for, you even had to make mom bring me here claiming she brought me from the village that is a great insult to my personality and if not because of the love I have for you I would have quitted this immediately. Uncle Josh: Baby I'm sorry about that,it was the only way we could bring you here without hurting Belinda much. Hannah: Then what about me? What about the love we shared. I had to close my restaurant for you. I'm a chef for crying out loud, a rich one at that and I feel so hard for you then why all this insults from you wife. Uncle Josh: Hannah could you please understand me. Hannah: Understand you how?, don't you love me anymore? don't you care about me and our unborn baby? Uncle Josh: I care about both of you so very much and that's why I sent for you immediately you told me of your pregnancy. I want to be part of your life Hannah. Hannah: Then why didn't you tell your wife that I'm your second wife and she should treat me with that respect. I didn't marry you because I came to break your home and you know it. The reason I married you is because I love you and hiding this marriage is not what I bargained for so you better go tell her. Uncle Josh: please babe let's take this slowly I'm trying to get her to agree to the surrogacy so it will look like the baby in your womb is ours meanwhile it's ours please okay. I promise to take good care if you and when the time comes I'll tell her of our marriage. Hannah: okay then give me a minute I'll be with you. Go back before someone notices your presence here. Uncle Josh: please don't keep me waiting and also know that I'm doing this for our sake. I don't love her anymore because she can't give me children it's you i love and before she finds out what's going on it will be too late. Hannah:what about chinwe? What if she finds out. Uncle Josh:you mean Olivia,don't worry I have something in store for her. She has been trying me. I was in so much shock as I heard their conversation. Not only was uncle Josh cheating on aunt Belinda,he was also married to her and they were expecting a baby. So all the surrogacy bullshit was a lie,even the talk about her coming from the village was a double lie that was planned by mom Beatrice and uncle Josh. I so much pitied aunt Belinda she just trusted this man so much, and what did he mean by having something in store for me.For a second I forgot myself and as I was going back uncle Josh caught me. "Olivia what are you doing here and how long have you been here"..... Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want me to send you stories personally to your WhatsApp number, once you subscribe chat me up

Episode 10

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 10 How could I be so stupid to zone out in a time like this I had to think of a way to save myself. I immediately smiled that I'm just getting there that I wanted to get my books from Hannah. I asked what he was doing here that I thought he had left for work he didn't say anything and told me Hannah was inside o went I'm greeted Hannah and took my books to my room. I made sure to lock the door. I was frozen at that point I didn't know what to do or even say. I kept wondering what my aunt did to deserve all this lies and deciet. Maybe if had a child all this won't be happening. I needed to stay on the safe side till I was done with exams and if I passed excellently I might be given a scholarship so I won't need them to help me any longer. I decided I told my aunt at least she would listen to me if she found out about Hannah's pregnancy and her husband's extra Marital affairs. About 2 weeks later I went to aunt's room when I was sure everyone was out. She said she wasn't feeling well so she didn't go to work she would be taking night shifts. Aunt you have to listen to me this time I began, Hannah is pregnant for uncle Josh and not only that uncle Josh married her and all the things said by mom Beatrice about bringing her from the village were all lies. Aunt I don't think uncle Josh loves you like he said and I heard him say this to Hannah. I received a slap in my face and I was too shocked to show any expressions. How many times have I told you not to bad mouth my husband ehh chinwe. See this is the last strike immediately my husband get back from work I'm reporting all this your shenanigans. For your information Hannah went through with the artificial insemination last week and yes I've given me consent and eggs. At least I could have a baby of my own finally. And I wonder where you get all this made up stories from mom Beatrice brought her from the village. I interrupted her with tears in my eyes, aunt I'm just trying to be on the lookout for you. Your husband isn't what he looks like. Hannah is s chef and they got married without your consent all this surrogacy talk is just a cover up. The baby in her womb isn't from any artificial insemination. I received another slap from her which shut me up completely. I said shut up chinwe do I look like a child to you, I wonder why you're saying such lies,I followed them to the hospital myself and she was inseminated. Chinwe what will you gain by lying on my husband oya osiso get out of my room. If staying with me is a problem to you then you can pack your things and use the door. You've been with Me for six years but you want to use just a day to destroy my home to that I say no chinwe my aunt shouted at me. I begged her not to tell uncle Josh what I said but she looked at me in a way that said if you don't leave my room you are done. I was so foolish I should have told her immediately I heard it but would she have believed me. I didn't expect such outburst from Aunt Belinda. But what did I expect she married at an old age and doesn't want to loose the only man that ever accepted her. I decided to stay clear from my aunt's business because she wasn't ready to be helped. It was night soon and I was preparing for my exam which was in the next week, I heard heavy footsteps and I wondered who could be matching that way. Aunt had gone to work because I heard her car sound when she was driving out and Hannah had gone to get shawarma from the other street. I was now scared because I was supposed to be the only one at home. Uncle Josh stepped into my room looking so angry I then understood what was going on. But I didn't know when he came back maybe because I was asleep. Olivia are you stupid? What did you tell your aunt uncle Josh scolded me. I couldn't say anything it was all my fault how could Aunt tell him after all my beggings. I told him I didn't tell her anything but she shut me up with a slap. He told me that he has always warned me but I didn't listen,I told him I was only trying to look out for my aunt he laughed and said my aunt loves him to the extent she won't believe whatever I told her. I told him I was sorry but I guess he has always been looking for this opportunity. He kept looking at me in a weird way then it suddenly clicked I just woke up and I wasn't fully dressed. I sensed what he was thinking ainade a swift move to the door but I guess he saw that coming as he dragged me to himself bolting the door. I struggled but didn't have enough power to run away. I kneeled him in his groin but that only made him angry as he tore the little clothing I was putting on. I was in so much tears, I wasn't a virgin but I wasn't ready to live with being raped. I slapped him and pushed him but all my efforts where in vain as he tore the last piece of clothing on me and had his way........ . Episode 11 loading.....

Episode 11

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 11 I cried my heart out as I shouted for help at the top of my lungs but that only gave him consent to do more. He kept saying that he would hurt me in the worst way ever and I guess this is what he has in store for me. I wished so much that I had kept quiet to what I heard but I only wanted to help my aunt. I so wished my aunt wasn't block headed. At least all this won't need happening. What of Hannah I thought he loves her, how we she react of she finds out he raped Me. I begged uncle Josh with everything in me to stop but he stopped only when he had ejaculated like 3 times. I was so weak when he was done, I didn't even have the strength to curse at him. I just laid with my legs apart and tears streaming from my eyes. He didn't even use protection easvhe trying to get me in trouble. You ain't even a virgin so why were you forming hard to get, your legs are weak right?. Uncle Josh laughed and continued, let me see how you will be able to go to your aunt and start blabbing nonsense. I told you she will never believe you. Uncle Josh walked out of the room and I looked at my filty I had become. I blamed myself for what just happened now. I should have just kept mute and let my aunt be decieved. Will my aunt believe me if I tell her what uncle Josh did to me. No I didn't want to take any more chances. But I thought as Hannah was here then I'll be free I didn't know he was just planning me, waiting fir when I'll be in my weakest. I tried to move my legs but they were so tired, if he had continued I would have passed out. I dragged myself to the bathroom because I wanted to get away his scent from me, I wanted to get every bit of him off me as I scrubbed my self so hard that I was afraid my skin will peel off. I hated uncle Josh more than ever but there was little I could do. I slept off and woke up to my aunt in front of me. She asked me if I was okay but I didn't answer her as I turned my back on her. She said she was sorry that uncle Josh flogged me that I was just so annoying and she thought it necessary to put me in my place. I smiled and told her I was fine and I was also in my place as I won't talk to her about her husband. I walked out of the room leaving her all alone. If only she knew but that wasn't my business anymore, and for starters it wasn't even my business. Flogged me? I laughed again at myself. Of course he flogged me with his d!ck and I was so angry I felt like Killing him. I just needed to get past the remaining year then I'll find my way out of their house. I went into the kitchen and saw Hannah she was a smiles of course why won't she when she has finally won. She was carrying uncle Josh child and had succeeded in fooling aunt Belinda. I asked if I may help her but she said no. After breakfast she called me to her room and gave me an ointment saying I should apply it to my vagina as it will ease my pain. I looked at her and all the things I thought of telling her went out. She already knew what uncle Josh did so there wasn't any reason to tell her. I thought she would be angry and upset but she wasn't. She was just smiling. I couldn't bare any of it as I ran to my room and closed the door. I cried so much that my eye balls threatened to fall out. I wished my parents hadn't died or I had any sibling and didn't have to stay were I was been called a liar and also abused. Hannah came into my room throwing the ointment at me. "You should have just kept quiet, I don't like people putting their noses in my business. You told your aunt I'm pregnant for Josh and that wasn't a good move okay. What he did to you was just the beginning so next time try keeping your mouth shut. I just kept looking at her with my mouth open, them and that minute i knew I was in for a long trauma. I kept blaming myself over and over again. Her next words just threw me off balance as I saw I was completely finished. I'm pregnant and his wife your aunt can't satisfy him so he the lovely little girl and sex him anytime he wants, I'm not asking it's a order and whether you agree or not he will still do what he wants. I love you girl and Hannah walked out of my room....... Episode 12 loading

Episode 12

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 12 My mouth was wide open and I swallowed my saliva as I tried to make meaning to what she said. Now I know why he has been like that with me, Aunt isn't enough for him it isn't even about having children, how shameless can he be. I knew I was done for and that's for sure. I just hated the feeling of loosing I needed to concentrate on my exams but how can I know there's problem. I tried reading but nothing was entering. Everything reminded me of the night uncle Josh raped me and speaking of the devil he came into my room and ordered me to remove my clothing. It was still early in the morning and he should be heading to work. I'm gonna scream and aunt Belinda is gonna hear me if you try touching me and said hut his reply was a sacarstic one, *scream, Olivia pull down the house even but no one is around to hear you. Your aunt and Hannah went to the hospital for antenatal". A drop of tear slipped my eyes and uncle Josh caught on it and started laughing hard. You are crying when I haven't even touched you ehhh, the fact that you aren't a virgin and you're doing all this nonsense pisses my off. You are behaving like you don't like what I did rather what we did. It's just for pleasure so better enjoy it. Your aunt is so dry and I need young blood. It's don't make me repeat myself remove your clothes or should I remove them for you?. I tried running but he had already locked the door I had no other option than to obey after I got two hot slaps from him. As punishment he made everything about sex hurt. Squeezing my boobs like they were some balls of garri being moulded. O cried as he bit my nip9les so hard I thought I was gonna bleed. What did I do to deserve this, haven't I stayed clear from his business then why won't he leave me alone. He thrust into me and I let a loud scream as I cried I begged and begged but he didn't listen but kept on going toll he was satisfied. He left my room when he was done and I dragged what was remaining of me to the bathroom. I cried in the bathroom as water splashed through my body. I scrubbed and scrubbed till my body was red. When I was done I had a little nap before I was woken by my aunt that my friend was looking for me. My only friend and best friend uju came into my room and immediately she saw me she knew something was up. She sat beside me and examined me with her eyes for a second. Chinwe what is it she started, why do you look so dull and why does your skin look this way. Your eyes aren't the way they are supposed have you been crying?. I just hugged her and burst into another round of crying. She didn't say anything as she let me get my heart out and when I was done she asked for explanations. I didn't know where to start because things weren't really easy with me and I didn't want to ruin her peace but she was the only one I could talk to. Me(chinwe): uju I was raped two times now Uju: (looking shocked), by who? Who is the bastard have you told uncle Josh and aunt Belinda Me: I was raped by uncle Josh uju. Because I told aunt Belinda that Hannah is pregnant for uncle and that they were married. aunt didn't believe me and when uncle found out he raped me. He said this is just the beginning and I'm very sure aunt won't believe me. Uju: I'm so sorry. What are we gonna do now. I think u should tell Aunt Belinda maybe she will listen okay? I wasn't ready to tell Aunt Belinda anything I just wanted to write my exams and be out of their lives. I had just 6 months to stay with them. Aunt Belinda called me after uju had said her goodbyes. She was discussing with Hannah they were looking like best of friends. Aunt was really blind if the artificial insemination was just 1 week old then why did Hannah already have a baby bump...... Episode 13 loading.......

Episode 13

MY AUNT'S HUSBAND EPISODE 13 It was either aunt Belinda was stupid or she had turned blind eyes to things. Hannah's baby bump was so visible and this was a pregnancy of just 1 week as they said. With the way Hannah stature was and everything she was already three months gone. I answered aunt Belinda and she asked me to go prepare white rice and egusi soup for Hannah. I didn't bother asking why the combo of such food as I went to prepare it. After making the food Hannah told me she didn't want that anymore that I should go make spaghetti instead. I just looked at her bit aunt Belinda said I should do what she says. I went back into the kitchen and made the spaghetti and brought for her but she complained that it didn't have enough pepper, I didn't say a word as I went into the kitchen and brought dried pepper and poured into the bowl of spaghetti. I didn't care anything anyone said at that that time, it was Hannah's and aunt's fault that my life was a mess at that time. Time skip.............. Time ran so fast with everything going absolutely wrong with my life. I was done with my external exams but I wasn't sure if I was gonna pass at all because I didn't concentrate much as I was battling between been fucked every night and Hannah's stupid cravings. I decided not to tell aunt anything till I got my results so I would know if I got a scholarship or not. I sure got the scholarship and I didn't know how I was so happy because of this bit this came with a more sadder news. I was pregnant and uncle Josh was responsible. I cried so much and didn't know the way forward at that time. To add salt on injury the scholarship wasn't for pregnant girls. Which school will accept a pregnant 17 year old in their school. I felt like dieing at that point but I had to calm down. I decided to abort the baby as it wasn't up to a month, I rather die than give birth to uncle Josh child. I didn't want to have anything to do with them anymore but I didn't have enough for abortion so I had to ask my aunt. If I was going down then they were all going with me for sure. Aunt I need 100k for something important. I've not come to bad mouth your husband or anything and I also want to say you have changed and not in a good way. I thought you love me but you love your hubby more but you will he the one to cry at last. I just need the hundred thousand like tomorrow and that's all I came to tell you. I could see how shocked aunt was, she would be like when did I grow to the extent to talk to her that way. I left for my room as my aunt was shouting like some mad dog. She came into my room and wanted to have a conversation but I wasn't having it. Aunt Belinda: "chinwe what is it and why have you been acting this way, see I know you are still angry at what happened I just didn't want you bad mouthing my husband that's all. Me: of course you don't want me bad mouthing your husband. But you never actually calmed down to see your so called husband for who he is. Aunt Belinda: You think I don't know yet married Hannah and the baby isn't mine. I know all this but I need to save my marriage. Josh loves me but since I couldn't give him a child I think someone else should. Me: I looked at Aunt Belinda like I just saw a ghost. But why did you then tell him what I said if you knew. Aunt Belinda; I didn't know then until last month when I heard them talking I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Me: that isn't my business any longer aunt. And I hate you so much. For your information I'm pregnant for uncle Josh and I need that money from you to abort this bastard from my stomach. Aunt Belinda: what!!! Olivia have you been sleeping with my husband behind my back. Me: no your husband has been raping me behind your back if I had told you, you would say I was bad mouthing him. This has been happening for about 5 months now and I'm pregnant. Aunt Belinda was so shocked she fell on the floor and started crying. I wasn't moved at all as it was her fault I was in that position. I didn't tell her uncle Josh plan to divorce her once Hannah gives birth and legalize him and her marriage. I got the abortion and everything went well. Uncle Josh gave me enough money to get away from them and live my life till I got into school through the scholarship. I was a graphic designer so I wasn't that confused on my life. As planned Hannah gave birth and uncle Josh divorced aunt Belinda I hope she is alright though because I lost contact with her. I'm now a graduate of fine and applied arts and a professional graphic designer and this is me telling my story. I didn't loose much but the person I so loved and wanted to help lost much because of ignorance. I pray I never have to leave my offsprings in the world to any aunt or uncle. DON'T BE A FOOL FOR LOVE THE END

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