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Amaka the Lesbian - Episode 51 & 52



Until she started jerking with reckless abandon and locked my head with her thighs, I almost hoy choked sha, but I survived.

She quietly got up and went into the bathroom to clean up, I sat there waiting for her, I think she even used the toilet because she took more time than normal, just to clean up. When she came out, the silence in the room was so deafening, until I boldly decided to break it. I gathered courage and said “Aunty I am being very honest with you, I don’t have anything with sister, I swear. She had been making passes at me and coming to me with every possible but I never gave her the choice, since that last time you warned me, I haven’t allowed her touch me again please, you have to believe me, I will never do anything to hurt you”. Chai if only she knew I was f—–g her husband, back to back.. “Please, aunty” I finished.


Finally she spoke, Amaka, I hope you know that sister Margaret lied to you against me, yh? ” I nodded, she had said it before I don’t know why she is repeating it, guilty conscience I said to my self as she continued “she said all that she said so that you will hate me and start thinking I will molest your baby girl, I don’t care about anyone else but you and I will do anything, anything at all, to make you happy. When I saw you with her I almost died, I felt severe pain in my heart, kai”

She covered her face with her hands, then I moved closer to her and fave her a hug.

No matter how much I try, I couldn’t move in from the past and forgive her, she still f–k me anything she wants and I had accepted my fate long time ago, what keeps me happy and going, is the facts that I had my plans and was going to definitely pay finitely pau her back, without mercy. Even Margaret too, I already aft had her husband where I needed him to be, so no worries. I was still hugging her and thinking to myself when she spoke up again. “Amaka what can I do to prove my love and loyalty to you? Just tell me anything, as long ad it is within my power, I will do it for you, I want to do something that will put a huge smile on your face whenever you remember it and don’t tell me nothing, everyone has deeper needs” I thought about it for a while and nothing was forthcoming to my mind, so I used the opportunity to remind her the promise she and her husband made to me some months ago, about getting my brother to come live with us, something tells me that they are purposely stalling it… “that’s the only thing that would make me happy in life, for us to be together again, I will for ever be grateful to you and uncle” I replied. She got up from the bed and pulled me up with her, k-ssed me so passionately on the l-ips, while using her right hand to fondle my b—-t through my cloth, the k-ss left her breathless, the next words she said caught me off guard. “Okay baby, done. I will push your uncle h-rder this time, to get them here and if he doesn’t, I will, as soon as possible, I promise you this. But I want you to promise me something” she held my face and looked into my eyes and said, “promise me you will nit let anyone touch your body ever again, man or woman, that you will be mine forever, when I want you to get pregnant and have a child, I will get someone to impregnate you for me, I just want you to be mine and mine alone, promise me.



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I will get someone to impregnate you for me, I just want you to be mine and mine alone, promise me. My Aunty said. I quickly imagine the best way to handle the matter because all I want at this time is to ensure my brothers return here safely so that my mission to reunite the family accomplished. I looked straight into her eyes, the seriousness of her expression. “I promise you. Pls, I just want my brothers… ” “Nne, I will do everything possible, but make sure you fulfill your promise”, she said. I nodded yes and she smiled back at me, k-ssed my l-ips with her eyes closed while my mind fixed deeply on my brothers and my little kid whom I left alone in,side.

I met my uncle as I was returning to my room at the sitting room. He can not hid the conjy. He looked at me as if he should hold me tight like never before. “Come closer my baby, I’ve really missed you”. The cuc-mber pump up from his trouser. It is totally different from our junior pastor. I know he is ready to bang me with reckless abandon. “Asa, omalicha nwa, let’s me touch you v_ _a” he stretches forth his hand towards my p_ _y. This time around I have to be very conscious and caution because knowing my Aunty for who she is, her monitoring side will kick off in full force. “Uncle, let’s wait till it’s late”. I told him. As if he had already known I would say that, before I completed the statement I felt his l-ips on mine, very w-t like morning dew. I imagined when his wife was there in,side touching herself, needs a person to enter her, the husband too was reckless, seriously looking for a way to satiate his s€×ual urge. “Uncle, the house is full, pls it’s more dangerous than one can imagine if we were caught in this place” I said as I struggled to push him away. This man must not terminate my plan, now that my sister just assured me my brothers will be here any moment. I must plan the game wisely. He looked at me and was more terrified, the h_ _y expression scared me. Will this man even wait or patient at all with this look? I prayers something stop us before the worse fall on me. He came closer and wrapped his arms round my neck, I barely breathed, he tightened my head in his chest, I cried for mercy, but turned a deaf hear to my cry. “Uncle, I’m dying here, pls release me” I managed to voice. He used his right hand to m-ssage my back from my neck downward to my bums. He squeezed it like a w-t cloth before they stretch it on rope to dry. I am powerless to help myself but deeply know this might be the end of my stay in this house because my aunty will definitely kill me even my sister too might get me. What lies will I tell her again? I surrendered myself unto him and quickly played long. The big dark d_ _k pushed its way into my belly, I felt the pain exactly on my abdomen, while he continued roughly squeezing my bott. I released my hands down to his d_ _k, his strength weakens as I touched it, I began to rub it with my palms. It was this time he relaxed and set me free. I know it is my time to act and create my freedom. My mind was so fixed on me not caught. I cannot imagine myself loosen the wh0le plan. I told him, “Uncle, let me s-ck your d_ _k.

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