We marched back to the school gate just the same way we marched out but this time looking greatly tired. All the girls were looking so stressed out except Bella. She didn’t seem affected. It was just as if she was not fuc-ked
We all reached to the school gate and passed but Bella stopped and stood with the gate man. Perhaps to give him his own share😝. This girl is unbelievable. She just had s-ex now and she wants to go for another round.
That night I couldn’t sleep. I was just thinking, wondering if what I was doing was right . First was watching porn and mastur-bating then getting fvcked by an unknown d3ick. All this thinking got me really crazy but it was too late to stop. I couldn’t deny the sweetness of the dic3k I got 😋
The next day I managed to go for classes not because I have repented but I still have a little bit of ” Good girl character in me” . I didn’t see the girls in class. They were in there room resting because of last night mission. So I didn’t bother to go and meet them after class because perhaps they might be sleeping.
I went to my room and lay down on my bed to have a little bit rest. The plan was to wake up by 8pm but I saw myself waking up by 11pm at night . What a long rest I thought. Anyways my body needed it because I stressed so much last night
The thought of what happened last night came to my mind again. Thinking of how the strange guy suc3ked and fing3ered my pu∆ssy got me in the mood again.
I tried to fin∆ger myself as I used to do before when I get hor∆ny but this time I was kit satisfied. Maybey my pus∆sy needed a bigger thing like the one I got last night. I could have told Bella to take me there but she was resting and might not like to be disturbed. I was only one caught up in the whole mess now. How can I get someonw to satisfy me and it was already late
I continued fin∆gering myself but the more I did it, the more I needed a big stuff. I kept on doing it for more than five minutes but all to no avail. I stopped and started thinking of a way out of this mess
At that point I started wishing the school was mixed (boys and girls) . I could have gotten a dic∆k at ease. Bella should better come and free me of the mess she put me into. Who can come to my aid? Oh Yes! A brilliant idea came to my mind!. Yeah the gate man!! He might be of help
I dressed in my sexy 👙wear that was exp∆osing my laps and headed for the gate man post. Hoping he will be a solution to my undying hunger for se∆x at that time😋
🍆💦 Slave To Sex💦🍆
Episode Three💋
While heading to the gate man post I was careful enough to make sure nobody saw me. I just sneaked my way to the gate man post but before I got there some questions came ringing in my ear like a bell.
How will I approach the man? See how I was matching confidently to him as if I was asked to come. What if he rejects my offer? What will be my fate?? . This questions kept ringing in my ear and I stopped and thought for a while then continued moving again. Yeah coz maybe an idea came to my mind
I went to the gate and pretended not seeing anyone there and made to pass as if I planned on going out. The gateman, a man in his early Forties was resting on a chair near the gate.
He did not seem to notice me till I touched the gate and it made a cracking sound
Gateman🗣️ Hey Stop there, whats your name and what are you doing outside by this time of the night
I stood silent not knowing what to tell him. I stood confused for some minutes without uttering a word.
How will I tell a man am not close to that I want him to fuck me? What will he even take me for?
But at that time I should not be thinking about my pride because I was deadly horny and I should act fast before he will raise an alarm that would attract the school authorities and that will be landing myself in big trouble.
I was still thinking of what to say before his voice came again.. This time louder than before
Gateman🗣️ Are you not the one an talking to or are you deaf? He said and stood up from the chair he was sitting and came closer to me
Me🗣️ I came to see you sir! I said admist fear
Gateman🗣️ came to see me this night? For what??
Me🗣️ For…… I grabbed his dick with my right hand Looking directly into his face to know his reaction.
What gave me the courage to do what is what I dnt know. I really took a bold step. At that point I didn’t care what he will do. I was ready for the worst but to my surprise the man did not say any more word , he just grabbed my ass carried me and headed to his room .
The school built a little room for him inside the school. That’s were every gateman that will work in the school lives. The school made is as a law that any gateman that must work in the school will live inside the school in order to ensure the security of the school at night
The way he rush down to his room it was as if he has been waiting to fuck Me ever since .
He dropped me in his little bed and and wasted no time to remove my clothes including my pant. He didn’t even care to kiss me. He just made for my breast and sucked it hungrily like a hungry lion. He started from the left breast then to the right one and later back to the left one
He removed his clothes and gently slide his dick inside my hungry pussy. It was not so easy to do that because from what I noticed his dick was too big for my tight pussy. I gave a loud moan when he finally forced his dick inside my pussy but later controlled my self knowing I could create trouble for myself if I was caught
He gave me a hard fuck and left me moaning helplessly but he didn’t care, he just kept on pushing his dick in and out my pussy . He later withdrawed his dick when he was about to cum and slit the his sperm on the floor
I dressed up and went back to my room without even having a word with the man.
From that day onwards I started craving for more dick or will I say bigger dicks. It continued this way till I finished secondary school
That’s all it all started. I stared at the walls of my room as this taughts came to my mind. All I needed was someone that will help me out of that situation who would come to my aid? when none of my family members knew I had that problem 😌
I was still swimming in the river of taught when my mum drove in and I went down stairs to welcome her
To be continued…….. 💋