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Amaka The Lesbian - Episode 22 & 23



She walked up to me and car-ssed my n—–s, then bent and put the right one in her mouth and s—-d me, the next thing I knew, her friend started s-cking my right n—-e, both of them were s-cking and mo-ning. I closed my eyes and took in all they were doing, as usual, I was the s€× object, I had long ago accepted my fate. They s—-d and s—-d like they were in some sort of contest, then my Aunty knelt in between my legs, spread it and put her mouth down there, she s—-d while her friend focused on both of my b—–s, she was s-cking and examining them like she hasn’t seen another b—–s apart from hers before. She looked so cute and for once, I loved the fact that she was touching me, unlike my Aunty and sister Margaret that always made me feel so disgusted.

I was still admiring her when my Aunty said, “Amaka, your v—-a feels a bit loose, unlike before. Don’t tell me a guy has been banging you, wait, have you started having s€× with a guy?” I was still admiring her when my Aunty said, “Amaka, your v—-a feels a bit loose, unlike before. Don’t tell me a guy has been banging you, wait, have you started having s€× with a guy?” “Aunty, I…I…don’t understa….” Luckily for me, her friend interrupted, “Bia, babe, don’t make the poor girl uncomfortable, biko, if you want to interview her about her v—-a then do it later not now, am so h—y, I have not had a young, fresh tongue down here (pointing at her v—-a) since my maid left, spare me jare, besides, people go through changes. Amaka is speedily growing and so is every part of her body” she finished, and drew me close to her in a warm embrace.

My Aunty locked eyes with me for a while, she said a lot with her eyes, I could see the shock and disbelief in them. I knew I was in trouble. My mind began to work fast, I needed to think of what to tell her, she must never find out I was having s€× her husband. It didn’t occur to me that sleeping with a man would make my v—-a loose, something that was always so tight when my uncle penetrates me, which drives him crazy, I know all these because of the expression on his face when we bang and how much he praises my v—-a for being so tight and sweet, so how come it feels loose to my Aunty, I didn’t understand it at all.

I was still lost in thoughts, while her friend took over from her and started s-cking me, she made me lay on the bed and feasted on my v—-a like she was enjoying a delicious meal. She was so different and I really enjoyed it, the way she moved her tongue round my c——s and the way she s—-d my h0le like her life depended on it. I felt a wh0le new wave of sweet s-nsation, more than how I felt when my uncle went down on me. It was amazing. I made up my mind to be very close to her, once was not enough, I needed to feel that way again, though, I still had my Aunty to sort out.

She was seated at the edge of the bed watching us with her hands folded, I knew so much was going through her mind. I decided not to think about that but to focus and enjoy the moment with her pretty friend.


She was seated at the edge of the bed watching us with her hands folded, I knew so much was going through her mind. I decided not to think about that but to focus and enjoy the moment with her pretty friend. We took turns s-cking each other, after she stopped s-cking me and undressed. We made love while my Aunty watched keenly, it was like she wasn’t even in the room, everything her friend did to my body, I gave back to her same exact way, when we were done, she led me into the bathroom and washed me up. We made love again in,side the bathroom and for a while, I forgot about my Aunty and the wh0le loose v—-a issue.

By the time we got out of the bathroom, my Aunty was standing close to the door with my phone, “Amaka, I bought you a samsung, how come you have an iPhone? I went into your room to get your phone and found this. The guy that is f—–g you obviously changed your phone, I guess? Speak up, young lady or I mercilessly deal with you the way you will never forget in your life” I was speechless, I kept staring at her, short of words, her friend tried to speak again but this time, my Aunty interrupted her. “Nne, please, I use God beg you, stay away from this. You were h—y yeah? Now, you’ve had your fill, allow me handle this” she turned back to me,

“Amaka, speak up! Who has been banging you and got you an iPhone?” I had to think fast, “am not having s€× with any man, I used cuc-mber on myself a couple of times, maybe that’s why my v—-a feels loose, as for the phone, it was uncle that bought me the phone and collected my Samsung” I said, with tears already forming in my eyes.

“Chai! Wonders shall never end, so your v—-a has started to itch you so bad that you opted for a cuc-mber instead of coming to me first, how can you be this stupid? I told you that your body belongs to me, I take good care of you and give you all you want, the only thing I ask for is your body and for you to not allow anyone touch you without my consent, especially a man. Oh my God, this is just plain stupid” she said, walking back and forth in the room.

“Babe, calm down” her friend said, while motioning my Aunty to sit down. “Atleast, let’s thank God she’s not shagging some useless, good for nothing out there, the poor girl was probably h—y and decided to do herself, maybe she was shy to approach you about it since you are always the one that makes the first move on her, I don’t see anything bad in this. Take it easy, abeg” she finished.

“Okay, no worries, I have heard you. But she still has to tell me where she got this phone. Madam, who bought you an iphone? And you better not lie to me” she asked.

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