Episode 17
Semi final…
“My king…..what next now?” Jonah asked.
The king turned to him,
“We must go to the hospital now” king said.
“Mmmm i don’t think mara will be happy to see me” jonah complained.
“Don’t worry…..i will take care of that one…” King promised.
“Ok my king..”
“Come closer”
And jonah did.
“Hold me tight..” Said the king.
And immediately jonah holds the king’s wa-ist, they disappeared.
Within some minutes, they landed to the back wall of the gate under the small tree.
“We are here….” Said the king.
Jonah released off the hands and stepped aside.
“How will doctor allow us to see mara and beaut at this time of the night?” Jonah asked the king.
The king looked at the wrist watch and laughed.
“Don’t forget we operate during nights…” The king reminded jonah.
Jonah smiled,
“O i forgot….”
“To make things simple, one doctor here is one of my member too so lets go..” King said.
And they started walking while looking around busy admiring the street lights.
Surely, the knocked at the gate and the gateman upon seeing their leather jackets dressed in magic, he opened the gate and let them in without bothering to ask any question.
“People can dress in this world..” Said the gateman as he watched them walking.
Due to their powers, the evil doctor in,side knew that the king was coming so he decided to go out to welcome them.
“Oh my king…welcome” the doctor met them at the doorway.
The king stretched the hand,
“” they shook hands.
“Jonah…..welcome too” doctor said while stretching his hand.
“Yes….” They shook hands.
“We are he-“
“Shhhh lets go to my office” the doctor admonished the king.
And they started walking going to the office.
There, as they passed one female nurse without bothering to greet her, the nurse couldn’t believe the way three men passed without even staring her beautiful ass.
“Damn….how careless they can be without staring me….where are they rushing?” The nurse wondered as she looked back seeing the three men entering the office.
[in,side THE OFFICE]
The doctor motioned the king to sit first then followed by jonah.
“Hope all is well…?” The doctor started in whispering voice.
“No….have you forget how we make money?” The king said.
“I don’t….so any business” said the doctor.
Jonah was just listening to them.
“You keep the money here and we want to collect this night” king said.
Jonah faced the doctor.
“What are you talking about?” Doctor said/asked.
“See…jonah slept with two V-rgins and so we want to kill them….mara and beaut..hope you know them?”
“Yes i do…to kill is not a problem..”
“Good…so go in there and inject them to sleep deeply so that we carry them and offer their bodies to the master” king said.
The doctor nodded and stood up.
“Wait for me here…i will be back shortly” said the doctor.
The king nodded together with jonah.
The doctor’s face was cute as he kept smiling with some thoughts of getting cash at that very night.
He first went to beauty’s room,
He stood at the door, opened the door and he didn’t see beaut lying on the bed.
He looked around the room, and wow beaut was not there.
“Where is this girl… she toileting..” He said to himself as he sneaked out of the room.
He checked in toilets and didn’t find beaut.
“Is she already meeting mara..?” He asked himself as he rushed to mara’s room.
He opened the door, and gosh mara was not there too.
“What!!!!” He shouted.
“Shit……” He ran back to his office.
“We are doomed…they have left..” Said the doctor.
Jonah squeezed his face.
“But how!!” Jonah said.
“Am confused too” said the doctor while sitting back to the chair.
“Who was that nurse?” The king asked the doctor.
“She is new in this hospital..” Doctor said.
“I think she was listening to our conversation….” King said.
“Yeah…’re right…let me go and see if she is in the office” doctor said.
“Go..” Agreed the king.
Sadly, the doctor didn’t find the nurse and he rushed back to the office.
“She is not there”doctor said.
” i see….she thinks she is smart…jonah lets go..” King said.
They all stood up.
“Will meet soon” doctor said.
And the king disappeared together with jonah.
“Who are you?” I asked the woman who covered her face without looking to the back seat.
“You will know me later” the woman replied while driving.
I looked to my left and saw the other girl sleeping.
“Hey stop the car…!! I want to leave this car now!!” I shouted upon seeing the bruises body next to me.
“Shut up…!!” The woman replied while turning to the left junction.
Then i started praying in my heart asking God to protect me.
Immediately i opened my eyes, the woman stopped the car.
“Please don’t fear me….” The woman said while opening the door for me.
“What are we doing here?” I asked the woman who was helping bruises skin girl to come out of the car.
“Follow me” she said while walking to the mansion carring the girl on the arms.
So i decided to believing her.
Gateman POV.
When the daughter entered in house, she saw some bl0od stains on the floor.
“What is going on here…” She said while going upstairs.
“Mum….are you there” she called while approaching the door to her mother.
“Yes…” The mother responded.
“I got scared when i saw blo-od stains on the floor” she said.
“I cut myself when i was cutting my nails…drop the items there and go have fun with friends..” The mother lied about bl-ood.
What happened is that, immediately they finished f-cking each other…monthly period started.
“Ok mum…am going outside to chart with gateman” the daughter said.
“No…not gateman..i don’t want you to chart with such common men…” Mother disagreed.
Watch out for final long episode tonight on
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