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Wrong Womb - Episode 17


Grace Craig threw a pillow at me as I was still sleeping on the bed the next morning. "Big head, aren't you going to work?".
I hadn't told her the full gist last night.
I sat up on the bed and rubbed my sleepy eyes. "I was sacked from Bower bound yesterday".
She gasped and jumped on the bed. "Oh my word! Why didn't you tell me?".
I shrugged. "Regina Donald told me to choose between Raymond and the company, and I chose Raymond".
"Raymond? I don't understand!!!".
"I confessed my feelings to Raymond today!!!".
Grace gasped. "OMG! That's so sweet".
"I acted in a short movie for Nelson today! I made it look as if I was abandoned by everyone! Guess what! That boy abandoned me for the second time!".
Grace fumed. "I hate him so much sincerely".
"Another thing. Regina now knows that I am pregnant. I told her before Rosa could say anything. I couldn't bear being threatened by that girl for more than a day".
"Oh, my world! Why did you allow them to sack you from Bower bound? I am sure you must have a backup plan"
"If I am in Bower bound, Regina will think I am there because I want Bower bound. It is better to not be in the spotlight for now and still achieve everything. I can talk to Raymond freely without anyone trying to stop me and as for the money, Raymond will even give me more than the salary I was getting from Bower bound".
Grace winked at her. "You have Raymond's heart, you automatically have everything".
We burst into laughter.
My phone rang. It was Raymond. "...talk about the devil". We chuckled and I answered the call. "Hello, Ray".
"Good morning, Victory. Hope you were able to sleep well last night? Did the baby disturb you?".
"It did. Probably it is because I didn't really eat well last night".
"Did you receive the alert? I sent you two hundred thousand naira for your feeding for the week. Did mum send you anything yesterday?".
"I am just waking up from sleep. I will check my phone and get back to you".
"Don't forget that I will be at your place this evening".
"I love you, Victory".
"I love you too, Raymond". I disconnected the line and I and Grace screamed excitedly. "Two hundred thousand naira for a week! You know what that means? I am a billionaire's wife!".
We broke into laughter.
My phone rang again.
Grace gasped. "Don't tell me that he is calling again"
"No, it is Endurance".
"It seems your brother has arrived".
I connected it. "Hello, Endurance".
"Good morning, Aunty Victory. It seems Dad just sent a cab to pick up your brother at the airport".
"Okay!". I connected the line and got off the bed. "I need to quickly take a bath! I am going to pick up my brother at the airport with my SUV!!!".
Grace excitedly watched me as I rushed into the bathroom.
After a while of waiting at the airport, I recognized my brother as he walked out of the airport, wearing a pair of Sunglasses.
I rushed to him. "Hi! Do you recognize me?".
There was hope in his eyes as he looked at me. "My sister? Victory?".
We hugged each other and I allowed him into my car.
He was surprised at me. "You guys rented an SUV to pick me up?".
"No, actually. It is mine". I said good-naturedly.
He gasped. "I didn't know that I had such a successful sister. I heard you work in Bower bound".
"I resigned yesterday". I concentrated on the road as I drove on.
"Dad didn't tell you? I am pregnant".
He gasped.
I shrugged. "I am pregnant with the baby of the CEO of Bower Bound"
He gasped. "Are you kidding me?".
"He is coming today to introduce himself to Dad. He is so mad about me and can't wait to marry me".
"You are so successful". He whispered.
I chuckled and continued on the road.
I excitedly watched my tensed-up father when we got to the house. "The cab man told me he didn't see my son and I had thought he had been kidnapped! You are so naughty, Victory!". He hugged my brother.
"Dad, you didn't tell me that Victory was so successful".
"Victory is pregnant...".
"...with the baby of the CEO of Bower bound!!!". He cried out.
My father rolled his eyes. "Pregnancy is still pregnancy".
I made eyes at my father. "He is coming to introduce himself to you today".
My father gasped. "The CEO of Bower bound?".
"Why didn't you tell me since? Endurance! Clean the house please!!!"
I chuckled. "Dad, I thought you said that pregnancy is pregnancy?".
"Shut up and come to the table. So what will we prepare for this my in-law?". He asked excitedly.
"That guy drinks a lot, so just hide all the drinks in the house and give him water. He doesn't eat food. You can give him chicken". I passed some changes to Endurance to buy foodstuffs.
When Raymond visited, we had already cleaned the house and fried turkey.
He prostrated to my dad and my dad released blessings on him before we walked to the dining table to eat.
He looked up at my brother. "How was your journey abroad?".
My brother smiled heartily at him. "Very cool. I came back to Nigeria to get a life".
"You will get a life. What's your name?".
"Collins Charles".
"You will get a life, Collins Charles".
I served Raymond two giant turkeys and water.
Raymond made eyes at me. "I know you were the one that designed water for me".
We broke into laughter.
"You are the first head usher that I have seen that is a drunkard".
We broke into laughter.
My father looked at him. "Do you have intention of marrying my daughter?".
"Yes sir. Just give me approximately two months to fix myself".
My father was excited. "Alright. Two months then".
We held hands as I walked him down to his car parked in front of our house. "I am happy that you have reconciled with your father". He said excitedly.
I chuckled. "Don't mind that pain in my neck".
We broke into laughter.
"What do you have in mind to do now that you are out of Bower bound?".
"I will tell you when the time comes".
He hugged me. "I can't wait to make you my wife, Victory Charles".
"Same here".

"I have a house two streets away from here. You can pack your things there so, you won't be inconvenientinginconveniencing Grace. Tell your brother to call me".
"Do you really have the intention of marrying me, Raymond?".
"I might have been a weakling all my life, but when it comes to things like this, I am willing to risk my life, because this is our future".

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