I looked into the mirror and I couldn't recognize myself anymore. The stylists had already rolled my hair and styled it in beehive.
The jewelries they had put on me...
Pure gold.
The make up was top notch. The fragrance coming they had applied on my skin was nicer than the way Anna always smelled.
Anna was Raymond's spoilt bræt younger sister.
They covered my face with my wedding veil and I was led out by my classy bride maid.
A limousine was parked downstairs and I was ushered in.
We got to the church.
Raymond was already dressed when I got to the church and he was waiting by the altar.
Since I didn't have a father to lead me to the altar, another strange man did.
I had no idea of the expenses of anything that concerned the wedding or the arrangement, all they had requested from me was my presence.
I stood beside Raymond and instead of him to hold my hand, he picked on his finger nails like the spoilt bræt that he was.
After the blessing of the marriage and Raymond was asked to k!ss me, he sneezed and said that he was having fever.
I didn't care.
The most important thing was that I had a wedding ring on my finger and that wedding ring was going to change my life forever.
When we got to our matrimonial room, he had already brought in a bed that he was going to be sleeping on alone. "You can sleep on the big bed alone". He said cynically.
I smiled and winked at him. "You are so considerate! How did you know that I liked sleeping alone?". I relaxed on the bed and and k!ssed the soft bed.
He was surprised at me. "You seem to be very prepared for this marriage. Are you aware that I have no intention of ever touching you till the end of this marriage?".
I shrugged. "How many married women value sèx these days? Ray, I have no problem about that". I closed my eyes.
"Then why did you agree to this marriage???".
"Agree? Is it my fault that your grandfather saw potential in me?".
"I see no potential in you. You are just an ordinary girl".
I chuckled and sat up on the bed as i began to take off my shoes. "Have you forgotten how jealous Matilda was of me during school days because I was always collecting awards as the most intelligent student in class? I graduated with a distinction. Ordinary girls don't graduate with distinctions". I winked at him.
"You are not a graduate, you are just a diploma holder".
"Just shut up and let me undress in peace". I said sternly and took off my earrings.
He gasped at me. "Did you just tell me to shut up?".
"Raymond, I said you should be quiet. Are you deaf?".
He rushed towards me and I lifted my stiletto heels. "If you come any bit closer, I will design your ugly face". I told him daringly.
He held at the stiletto and tried to get it off my hand but my grip was firm. "Why are you so strong?". He cried out with a surprised glint in his eyes.
"The Gold you knew those days was not a wife of a conglomerate. But now, so many things have changed. Gold now has a mind of her own".
"You...you are ambitious". He whispered. "You manipulated grandfather".
I winked at him and turned. "Are you not going to help me to unzip at least?".
"Am I your slave? Do it yourself, wife of a conglomerate".
"There are so many things that I will do myself that might affect you. Are you sure that I have to do 'everything' myself?".
He grudgingly unzipped my gown and walked back to his small bed. He brought out his laptop and typed on it.
I walked into the bathroom to take my bath.
When I got out, there was a knock at the door.
It was one of the house maids.
She was carrying a tray of pepper soup and yam.
I could smell the food and realized that the maid had used Ghana pepper as part of the ingredients she had used for the pepper soup.
Raymond Roland was allergic to Ghana pepper. I didn't want to scold the maid, instead, I told her to bring vegetables.
Immediately the maid left, Raymond snatched the tray from me and placed it by his bed. "Since you requested for vegetables, I don't think I can wait for you then". He brought out a fork.
"Raymond, you can't eat that".
He smirked. "Who on earth do you think you are?".
"Ghana pepper". I said sternly.
He gasped at me. "How did you know that I was allergic to Ghana pepper?".
"Yes, it is because I am not like you, who don't pay attention to important things".
He rolled his eyes. "You think this is the way grandpa was talking about you protecting me?".
"Raymond, you are welcome". I took back the tray to the big table and began to eat.
"I can't tell you thank you for things that you are supposed to know".
There was a knock at the door.
I opened the door and collected the tray of vegetables from the maid.
I served the big head.
The next morning, the full family had to eat breakfast together at the big dining table.
It was a Sunday morning and they had already gone for morning mass before I even woke up.
I tried to use the cutlery on my plate to eat but I just couldn't. I was not used to using cutlery to eat, I was used to spoon.
Raymond and his siblings stifled laughter as they watched me struggling with the fork and knife.
"Gold, hold the fork with your left hand and the knife with your right. Yeah, fill the fork with the desired amount of food you want and reach it into your mouth". A beautiful woman who looked in her late forties corrected me and i learnt the etiquette at once.
Raymond made eyes at his grandfather. "Do you still believe that she is heaven-sent to me?".
"... because she can't use cutlery? You are very childish". Pa Brian said as he focused on his food.
My father-in-law, Zac Roland smiled at me because he could sense that I was already feeling so embarrassed.
When was the poverty life that I was so used to completely disappear
I was not going to allow anyone look down on me because of my past anymore.
Mrs Jane Roland, my mother in law scoffed at me.
She was obviously disgusted at me because she felt like i was low class.
Everyone in the family was present .
Zac Roland's illegitimate son, Collins Roland.
Raymond's cousin, Henry Roland and his new wife, Charity Roland.
The woman in her late forties had corrected me on how to use a cutlery. I didn't know her name.
Raymond's grandfather, Pa Brian.
Raymond's parents and his two annoying siblings, spoilt brat Anna and spoilt brat Tyler who was the youngest in the home.
After our meal, I walked to the balcony to receive fresh air and the aunty in her late forties who had taught me how to use a cutlery joined me.
She smiled softly at me and observed me. "Hope your pride is not hurt because you didn't know how to use a cutlery this morning?".
I smiled at her. "A good wife doesn't have unnecessary pride, she has a dignity that makes her believe in herself despite her inabilities".
She nodded excitedly. "Who taught you that?".
"My mother. She is my role model".
She placed an arm around me. "Hold your mum dearly. We lost our mum when we were so young and when we were growing up, we knew what we had missed. I, Raymond's father, Collins Roland's father. We had grown in the soft hands of our dad".
"Are you Raymond's aunt?".
She chuckled. "I was my father's princess when I was very little, but my father believed more in men than women no matter the woman's ability. I am the only girl of the Rolands! The conglomerate of the Island". She held my hand in hers. "My name is Jennifer Roland. I am the only daughter of the man you call Pa Brian. I can only be your friend if you understand your gender".
"I don't understand?".
"Gold Roland, we can only be friends if you promise not to ever stick your head in the company affairs. We can only be friends if you promise to be a good wife and mother in this home and not ever participate in anything that concerns Bower bound company".
I was more confused.
Why was Jennifer Roland advising me not to mind the company affairs and stick with my duties in the home!
What if I stick my nose in the company affairs!
What was she going to do.
If we get 50 shæres, then we are good to go for the next episode.