Every mothers wants the crown prince to choose their daughters,they got their daughters beautiful and expensive earrings, necklaces,bracelets and wrappers for their daughters,they always praises their daughters.
Mrs Ifedili was among the women that praises her daughters.She do tell her two daughters that they are the most beautiful maidens in the village and she believes that the prince will surely choose one of them,next is Mrs Akunna,Mrs Adaoma and other women in the village who has daughters too.
Mrs Adaoma told her only daughter some secrets to win the prince heart
"Chineyere do you know how to win the prince heart that day,dance very well,shake your body and smile while dancing, your smiles will draw the attention of the prince to you"Mrs Adaoma told her daughter
"Mama I'll do that,I can't lose the prince,you know he is the only son and will take over his father thrown after his death, I'll now be crown a queen"Chineyere said
"Yes my daughter I want you to be the one the prince will choose as his bride"Mrs Adaoma said
"Mama don't worry I'm already the prince bride,I am beautiful..ehm but mama I can't dance."Chineyere replied feeling disappointed
"Obiageli can teach you"Mrs Adaoma said
"Mama the day I and other girls went to Obiageli so she can teach us how to dance her two sisters chased us out of the house"Chineyere replied
"Don't worry,I will teach you how to dance my daughter.first before i start take this I got them for you"Mrs Adaoma said
"Wow mama they are beautiful,were did you get them from"Chineyere asked,
"From the market"Mrs Adaoma said
"They are beautiful mama,if I tie this wrappers they'll look good on me and the prince will admire me,thank you Mama"Chineyere said
"Come let's cook,by evening i will teach you how to dance okay.lets go to the kitchen"Mrs Adaoma said
"Mama wait let me drop my wrappers I'll meet you in the kitchen"Chineyere said
Obiageli was the only maiden in the c