JOHN’S POV I finished feeding Charlotte the pizza
and I saw her cheeks were red till I
was done. Davis kept grinning like the
fool he is. He even asked me to feed
him too, can you imagine. “I will go to my room now.” Charlotte
said standing up. “Why? Do you want to do
something?” I asked blocking her
way. “No, I just want to excuse you guys.”
She said smiling. “C’mon Charlotte, you can’t just go
inside to stay alone.” I said staring at
her. “Charlotte come watch this movie with
us.” Davis said grinning and for the
very first time I was in support of
what he said. “Yes, you should watch this with us.” I
said pulling her gently to the couch. “Okay” She said shyly. I felt joy in me immediately she
decided to stay with us. I sat on the
same couch with her but I kept our
distances. Soon there was thunderstorms and
the cool wind from outside came in
through the windows. The cottons
kept flying due to the window. I stood up to lock the windows and I
cams back to sit on the couch. Davis
tuned it to an horror movie, my
favorite! I love horror movies so as
Davis. I looked at Charlotte and i saw she
was shivering already, I know ladies
don’t really like horror movies. “Charlotte should we change it?” I
asked and another thunder roared
making her flinch. “No I will be fine.” She said folding her
legs on the couch. Davis switched off
the light and everywhere was dark
only the TV light was available. Tho I could see Charlotte and Davis
face clearly. The movie started playing and there
was a man wearing a very scary mask
on his face, he sneaked into a house
where a small Lady was sitting on a
bed fully wake at night. There was blood all over the house
and the girl’s night gown was also
stained with blood. The man walked
in through the walls to where the little
girl sat. I looked at Davis and I saw how he
kept grinning stupidly, I looked at
Charlotte and I saw great fear on her
face. He raised up the knife and yelled
piercing the head of the little girl with
it, Charlotte screamed jumping on me. That same very minutes there was a
very loud thunderstorm and she held
me so tight pressing her b**bs on my
arm. The power went off and the TV too
went off. Everywhere was dark but I
didn’t care, I enjoyed Charlotte’s grip
on me. There was another thunderstorm and
Charlotte flinched tightening her grip.
Davis switched on his phone light and
pointed it to us. I widened my eyes and he switched it
off quickly. I wrapped my arms
around Charlotte’s tempting body. I felt someone tap my shoulders and I
knew it was no one other than Davis. “Enjoy.” He whispered and I heard
him walk away. “Charlotte.” I called calmly tapping
her. “I am scared.” She stammered and I
felt her sweat on me. “It is okay.” I said brushing her hair. I
heard her breath very hard, I knew
she was really very scared. I started to hear the noise of rain and
I knew this night is going to be a long
one. Her b**bs kept tempting me. I felt my d**k twitch severally. Oh God
this is suffering, Angelica is so wicked. She raised up her head and I felt her
gaze on me, I could see her face
faintly due to the lightening outside. We stared at each other for almost
four minutes and I couldn’t take my
eyes off her. I moved my face
gradually to hers and I saw her look
down. I raised up her chin slightly with my
hand and she didn’t struggle with me.
I tilted my head slightly and I saw her
close her eyes under the lightening
that was direct on her face. I closed my eyes as my lips touched
hers. OMG! Her lips were so soft and
juicy, my d**k sent me another
warning and i found myself holding
her neck drawing her closer. Suddenly the lights came on and I
disengaged opening my eyes gently,
her eyes were still closed and I
couldn’t help but smile. She opened her eyes and I saw her
cheeks were very red. She looked
away shyly, she stood up and ran to
her room. Mehn! That was superb! I didn’t want
the lights to come on at all. I held my
hair feeling so happy. I head someone giggling behind me,I
looked back to see Davis grinning
very wide. “I saw everything!” He whispered
almost like a yell rubbing my hair. CHARLOTTE’S POV I ran up to my room breathing really
hard. What just happened? Did I just
kiss my boss? Oh God, Charlotte he
has a girlfriend. A fiancée! What is wrong with me? He can never
marry me, he will just use me and
dump me. I shouldn’t let his kindness
get to me. To be honest, I really enjoyed the kiss
I didn’t want to stop. If the lights
didn’t come on, I don’t know what
would have happened. Charlotte you nerd to wise up, you
aren’t a baby. You need to know what
is right from what is wrong. I stood in front of mirror touching my
lips. I remembered the incident again
and I shock my head trying to forget
it. I left the front of the mirror and laid
on my bed staring at the ceiling. Am I
in love with him? I have never kissed
a guy before because I have never
allowed them. But I just opened freely to John. Do I
really trust him? Do I feel like this
because of his looks and generosity?
Am I ready to settle any issues with
Angelica? Is he even willing to date
me instead of her? Does he really love me? Or he just
pities me? Do I love him? These questions kept buzzing in my
brain, I am so confused! I need to
calm down so I won’t be a victim of
heartbreak. I haven’t been in a relationship before
and now I am going into one that I
don’t know what will end it. I need to
be really careful. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes
allowing nature take over.
JOHN’S POV ….. THE NEXT MORNING I woke up very early to do my
morning excerise, I walked to my
private room wearing a singlet and
shorts. I met Charlotte on the way and I felt
my heart beat very fast. She saw me
and bowed slightly avoiding my face. She wore a red big gown which
stopped right above her knee. Her
hips were still very much obvious and
I noticed she wasn’t wear a bra. Her nipples were evident in it and they
were so tempting. Her hair was
roughly packed and I knew she just
woke up. “Good morning.” She said still
bowing. “How are you?” I asked moving close
to her, she moved back very fast and I
was forced to stop. “Charlotte what is wrong?” I asked
but she just shook her head
speechlessly. “Charlotte if is about yesterday night,
I..” I said but she cut me off. “I am sorry about what happened,
and I promise it won’t happen again.”
She said quickly making me surprise. “I will go now.” She said walking
away briskly. What is wrong with her? She should
have allowed me to finish my
statement. I kissed her, I should be
the one sorry. Tho I didn’t regret anything that
happened, I should still apologize to
her. It is possible she was submissive
because I am her boss. I walked into my private room to start
my exercise. I started with press ups,
I used my two hands before
switching to just one. My favorite music was on giving the
vibes I always enjoyed. I began to
sweat profusely and I grew tasty all of
a sudden. I need water. I took my phone from where I
dropped it to out a call to Charlotte so
she would help me with a glass of
water. Then it downed to me that I don’t
have her contact. I haven’t even see
her with a cellphone before. I stood up and walked out of the
room heading to the living room
where I felt she would be. And there
she was cleaning the couch. Her gown was carried up a little at the
back with her large hips exposing her
smooth looking thighs. “Hey!” I called walking close to her. “Sir!” I said facing me and bowing
slightly. Sir again? I just wish she
would be free with me the way she
has always been right from time. “Where is your cellphone?” I asked
staring at her. “Cellphone? I don’t have one.” She
said looking sad. “No wonder I haven’t been seeing
one with you.” I said trying not to
look at her b**bs. She nodded in
response avoiding my eyes. “Don’t worry continue your work.” I
said walking to the kitchen to get a
bottle of water. I opened the fridge to
get the water when I heard the
doorbell ring. I gulped down the water and walked
back to the living room to see
Charlotte at the door already. I moved
closer and the person at the door
came in. “Mother!” I called happily going to
hug her. “John my son.” She replied happily. “How are you mother?” I asked
walking her to the couch. “I am great!” She replied sitting on the
couch. “And father?” I asked again. “Oh you know your father, he doesn’t
sit his a** in a place.” She said
giggling. “Good day ma’am.” Charlotte said
smiling sweetly. “How are you dear?” Mother replied
smiling too. That is my mother, I got
my niceness from her. MRS WALKER’S POV “I am fine ma’am” she replied sweetly.
Wow, I like her composure. “You must be Charlotte.” I said
smiling. She looked at me in surprise
before looking at John. “Don’t worry, he didn’t tell me
anything bad.” I said winking at John
who was equally confused. “Ma’am what do you wish to have?”
She asked not letting her smile fade. “Anything you give me dear.” I said
and she bowed before walking away. “Mother?” John called me narrowing
his eyes. “Calm down John, Angelica told me
about her.” I said grinning. “I knew it.” He replied rolling his eyes. “She is nice, but why didn’t you tell me
you were employing a maid.” I asked
looking serious. “Mother I am sorry, it was urgent.” He
said pouting his mouth. “Urgent?” I asked furrowing my
brows. “Yes mother, don’t worry much about
that.” He said smiling. “Well I must say she is very beautiful
and curvy.” I said smiling. “Yes mother.” He replied blushing
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“Hmmm John, don’t tell me you like
her.” I said moving closer to him. “Mother to be honest I don’t know,
she always keeps my company when
Angelica isn’t around. You know how
busy Angelica is.” He said sadly. “Yeah, and she said she doesn’t want
Charlotte around.” “Mother don’t mind her, she is just
driving by jealousy.” He replied
angrily. “You don’t need to tell me about
Angelica son, I know her very well.
Remember this son, you have my
support in any right thing you do.” I
said tapping his shoulders. “Thank you mother.” He replied
kissing my cheeks. “Ahhhhhh!!!” I heard someone yawn
loudly. “Gosh Davis!” John said making me
laugh. I really like Davis a lot, he is
very nice and funny. “John I heard some squeaking
sounds in my room at night, I couldn’t
sleep well.” He said rubbing his eyes. He opened it and I saw his eyes widen
as he saw me. “Mother!” He called happily coming
closer to him. I stood up to hug him
happily too. “John why didn’t you tell me mother
is here?” He asked spanking John on
his head. “Ouch!” John yelled standing up. “Mother please leave my front so
blood won’t stain your beautiful
dress.” He added making me laugh.
They have always been like that since
when they were very young. Davis has no parents, so I and my
husband as been acting as his patent
for many years and John as taken him
ad his brother.