Anyways, I returned to her trousers
again, and began
to gently shove my right palm across
her p-nty and
towards the left side of her pelvis after
pulling it
down a bit – all in a bid to ascertain if
the wh0le
drama is really been caused by an ant
as she
As I did, my palm car-ssed her Unclad
lower belly
and even went as far as amply
m-ssaging the area I
felt was the start of her Kittycat! She
fidgeted just
about then, lifting her left knee
slightly! I paused, but
after a few moments of non-motion, I
resumed. It
was rather paradoxical how my rather
slow approach
was now suddenly looking to be the
abrupt cure to
the burning itch.
Auntie Tope had become a little less
restless and she
appeared patient now as I eventually
had my palm
completely dipped, and rested onto her
lift th-gh. The
tightness of the denim, meant I would
barely have
the room to clench the palm for a
scratch as it
remained buried in,side the trouser.
“You are almost there, she started
abruptly…”motioning her oily left hand
towards her
g—n as though to signal that I was still
expected to
come up a little more. I went on to do
as she
expected. “Yes…just there baby! Wait…
wait..come right a little again”
I came right and was feeling the leg-
band of her
p-nty as it strapped into the skin of her
th-gh! I could
also feel several strands of stubby hair
there as they
loosely brushed against my stretched
palm just as I
finally squared into the itchy s₱0t. It
was more than
clear now that it wasn’t an ant or
anything of that
nature since I was barely feeling any
“Yea baby…” she instantly reaffirmed
“scratch that
s₱0t please! It hurts really bad”
I then began to gradually scratch the
s₱0t as she
requested, even though her taut denim
wouldn’t let
me curl my palm comfortably.
However, while still
doing so, my thumb incidentally kept
pressing into
the left fold of her peculiarly puffy
Kittycat l-ips! On
the 8th or so scratch, the thumb went
even further
accidently and grabbed an outer
Kittycat lip through
the fabric of the p-nty! Chilling halt
followed! I waited
to hear her shout or rebuke my
seeming naughtiness
but she didn’t do a thing. She didn’t
even speak, to my
utter surprise though. It was totally a
mistake and I
was looking to be careful to avoid it
repeating itself.
However though, my Joystick wasn’t
thinking so too
as I was epically having a hærd time
containing the
huge phallus which was almost now
popping out
from the underside of my shorts! It had
grown so big
and was eager for attention! It was
more than
apparent that a popular side of me was
immense fun and gladness from the
scratch-task I
had in hand! Quite fortunately or
unfortunately, just
about when I thought I was through
with the
scratching, auntie Tope immediately
requested that I
moved up again!!
“Please Danny…just a little towards my
h¡p”, she said.
“It is a mild one” she was signaling
with her hand
again, directing me to her g—n.
“Okay ma”, was my reply. There was
joy in my heart…
and probably on my Joystick too!
Anyways, I began to lift my palm from
within her
denim but then, for a second time, I
had my finger
push into her Kittycat again! This time
around, it
wasn’t exactly my thumb, but my little
finger which
had taken a reflex bend as I slid my
hand out. And
then in the course got itself exactly on
the underside
of auntie Tope’s v—a! It was going to
probably slide
in if not for the p-nty! She instantly
jumped on
contact! But never spoke! She only
appeared to bend
herself to the back a bit, as though she
was running
away from a further probe! As she did,
my finger did
graze the crotch of her p-nty, where it
covered her
v—a and I effortlessly identified the
many folds that
formed her womanliness as they
maneuvered their
way to form what was definitely a
meaty Kittycat! I
could also swear to have noticed a tad
of dampness
about a certain s₱0t on the p-nty’s
cro-tch! I couldn’t
really believe though, that I was
making auntie Tope
w-t as she was making me hærd! I still
only wanted to
leave it as mere suspicion anyways!